In an effort to encourage area residents to be prepared for severe weather situations, the National Weather Service, State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) and the Butler County Emergency Management Agency are working together to observe “Severe Weather Preparedness Week” March 3-7.
“I’m sure most people are aware that severe weather can hit at any time,” Butler County Emergency Management Director Robbie Myers explained. “Especially in this area, it seems like we could potentially have a tornado throughout the year. But springtime is coming, and that’s when there is an elevated risk for severe weather.”
Myers explained Butler County will participate in the statewide tornado drill at 11 a.m. Wednesday, March 5.
“We usually test our sirens on the first Monday of every month, but in March we will be coordinating with the statewide system,” Myers explained. “Hopefully there won’t be too much confusion for people.”
As far as maintaining a heightened level of preparedness is concerned, Myers remarked that numerous options exist.
“With alerts, we have sirens for the city and the county. But there are also weather apps that can send alerts,” Myers noted. “And weather radios are a great thing to have. Weather radios are something that we strongly encourage people to go ahead and invest in.”
Myers went on to explain how the biggest threats for severe weather in the Poplar Bluff area are typically tornadoes and flooding.
“Severe thunderstorms can do as much damage as a tornado, but we are usually on the lookout for tornadoes as well,” Myers remarked. “It’s one of those things where it helps to have a plan. If you’re at home and there’s risk of a tornado, go to the basement if that’s an option for you. At any rate, just find a location in your house that’s as far away from windows as possible.”
Myers added that social media is helpful in keeping people informed.
“I know the national weather service and SEMA have good Facebook pages where they post regularly,” Myers said. “And the Butler County Emergency Management has a Facebook page as well. Our Poplar Bluff Severe Weather Team is very active and posts regularly online with live videos whenever something is happening.
“The information is pretty easy to get. We just want people to keep themselves informed.”