NewsFebruary 26, 2025

The Poplar Bluff Fire Department used around 50,000 gallons to extinguish a massive fire in a vacant house on Kinzer Street. While four crews contained the blaze, police helped a fifth one extinguish a grass fire near a home on Harper Street.

Poplar Bluff firefighters and the city street department demolish what was left of the burned Kinzer Street house on Wednesday. Potential hot spots were doused with a hose.
Poplar Bluff firefighters and the city street department demolish what was left of the burned Kinzer Street house on Wednesday. Potential hot spots were doused with a hose.DAR photos/Barbara Ann Horton
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A billowing cloud of black smoke filled the Poplar Bluff skyline about 10 a.m. Tuesday as the three on-duty crews of city firefighters headed to the 800 block of Kinzer Street.

As the firefighters arrived at the scene, flames were coming out the roof of the vacant two story house. The voice of Poplar Bluff Fire Chief Mike Moffitt could be heard nearby requesting a full shift of off-duty firefighters be called back to help battle the blaze. He soon requested an additional crew report to duty to cover the town in case of other fires.

According to the report by Capt. Justin Maddock, as a team of firefighters laid fire lines, others set up the aerial truck to attack the fire from the top of the house. The crews used 49,999 gallons of water on the burning structure.

The fire department returned when the scene rekindled about 7:20 p.m.

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The structure had been condemned and was to be destroyed.

The Poplar Bluff Street Department assisted at the scene as did the Poplar Bluff Police Department.

Other crew members were Joshua Buhler, Austin Armes, Jon Miller, Cade Lowe, Eric Mierisch, Josh Robison, Micheal Somers, Adam Yeley, Steve Burkhead, Jeremy Downing, Jeff Hale, Dustin Graves, Jamie Watson, Travis Taylor and Justin Moyers.

While the crews were still at the Kinzer street scene, the firefighters working at the main station responded to a fire at 949 Harper St.

According to Maddock’s report, the call was to a house on fire, but dispatch told the crew while en route it was a grass fire. The police officer at the scene obtained a water hose from the residence and was extinguishing the fire when the crew arrived. The fire had spread up to the house burning some of the siding on the structure. When the siding was removed to look for fire extensions, the booster line was used to cool the exterior of the house. The occupant received a cut on her hand from the glass from the doorway. Butler County EMS responded to provide first aid.

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