NewsJanuary 7, 2025

City officials are debating whether to re-approve Jay Jay's Cab Company to operate in Poplar Bluff. The business's history of license, insurance and safety violations quickly became the sticking point of the last council meeting.

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Jay Jay’s Cab Company, owned by Joshuah Counts, is seeking to return to active operation in the city of Poplar Bluff. However, repeated issues with proper insurance and driver safety concerns stand in the way of approval by the city council.

Currently, the only cab service running in the city is Patriot Transportation. Interim City Manager Lori Phelps noted Patriot did not object to Jay Jay’s return to the market.

In accordance with city ordinances, allowing new cab services is at the council’s discretion. Phelps expressed doubts over the potential safety and liability issues with Counts.

“The couple times that Mr. Counts has been in business, we have had a lot of issues with him; with the insurance lapsing, cars being ran that were not licensed, taxi cab drivers actually not getting their drivers’ permits,” she recounted, “We had lots of complaints from customers about safety issues with the drivers. One of his drivers actually had an accident with a police officer.”

Counts responded by saying, “We’ve had some junk cars in the past. We’ve had problems, everybody does. Nobody’s perfect.”

Jay Jay’s Manager Shauna Allen assured the council the company will be more selective with who they hire if allowed to do business again.

Mayor Pro-Tempore Lisa Armes Parson asked if the two vehicles, a 2007 Chevrolet Suburban and a 2006 Ford Fusion, have the proper commercial liability insurance. Both are personally owned.

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Allen asserted the company only needs personal liability for the cars. Parson, an insurance agent, remained skeptical of this claim.

“Before I vote on anything, I want to see a copy of the policy,” she stated.

Counts said commercial insurance was prohibitively expensive, especially after one of his drivers collided with a police vehicle. Phelps highlighted lapsing insurance as a perennial marker of the last time Jay Jay’s was in business.

She added she would like to start enforcing the ordinance which empowers the city to inspect cars used for cab services every six months.

City Attorney Mark Richardson recommended moving the item to the Jan. 21 voting session with the stipulation all documentation be provided to the council by Jay Jay’s. Members voted to move the matter to the next meeting.

Next, Phelps presented a Change Order Number One relative to the renovation of the Black River Coliseum lobby. The original plan allowed for $15,000 in contingencies but the project only required $12,000.

In other business, the council voted to reclassify the job title of City Clerk/Treasurer to City Clerk/Treasurer, Assistant City Manager. Phelps said the title change would not warrant a pay increase but would more accurately depict the duties of the position.

Members also voted to adopt a Title VI non-discrimination policy to qualify the city for more state and federal grants. The council approved the modification to the city’s sick leave policy discussed at the previous meeting.

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