Visitors will learn about railroad history, crossing safety, model train layouts, Amtrak train trips and railroad jobs at the Mo-Ark Regional Railroad Museum. During the 15th Iron Horse Festival, they can also win prizes by dropping in from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday.
Up for grabs are an Amtrak train trip for 2 persons valued up to $208, a $100 Walmart gift card and a used model train set. Donations of $5 per ticket or $10 for 3 tickets are requested. Winners will be notified after the drawing at 4 p.m.
Funds are needed to maintain and improve the museum located in the historic 1928 Frisco Depot across Fifth Street from the Black River Coliseum.
Margaret Fletcher and Jim Kent will be at the museum Saturday to share memories of being in the Frisco Depot more than 65 years ago.
“My father, Donald Schroeder, was the Poplar Bluff Frisco Station clerk from 1935 to 1955,” said Fletcher, who can still point out the original layout of the building.
“He loaded and unloaded freight. The rail cars had a metal seal with a serial number. He did an inventory of the serial numbers. I had my own freight cart and helped load,” said Fletcher, who greeted passengers arriving from Harviell.
“It was a big thrill to ride from Puxico to Poplar Bluff on the Frisco train,” said Kent, who remembers the 50-cent tickets when he was 12. “The one passenger car was usually full.”
He also recalled “walking across the Frisco trestle (over Black River) to go to high school” after his family moved to the east side of Poplar Bluff.
Darline Thurman and Fay Stroud/Middleton, retired Union Pacific engineers, will discuss rail crossing safety and distribute Operation Life Saver information, pins and coloring books.
A. J. White, a museum board member, will display his steam-powered car and calliope.
The museum’s Train Shop is filled with model trains, track, layout accessories and various train T-shirts. It is a good time to shop for Christmas gifts. All proceeds are used to maintain the museum.
Visitors can also see eight operating model trains and numerous exhibits covering 152 years of railroad history in Poplar Bluff, Southeast Missouri and Northeast Arkansas, beginning with the arrival of the Iron Mountain Railroad in 1872.
More volunteers are needed to maintain and operate the museum. Apply Saturday or call 573-785-4539 and leave a message.
Since July 1, the museum has had 600 visitors from 79 cities in 18 states.