CHARLESTON, Mo. — The Mississippi County Sheriff’s Office on Sunday, Aug. 25 received confirmation from Missouri Department of Conservation authorities of a black bear sighting north of Charleston, near county roads 220 and 217.
“If you encounter this bear, please maintain a safe distance and avoid any attempts to approach or engage with it. Your safety and the safety of the bear are our top priorities,” Mississippi County Sheriff Britton Ferrell said Sunday via the sheriff’s office social media.
The Missouri Conservation Department will be closely monitoring the situation, according to the sheriff.
“Let's work together to keep our community and wildlife safe,” Ferrell said. “Stay alert and stay safe.”
According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, Missouri is home to an estimated 900 black bears with most being in the southern part of the state. The MDC reminded Missourians “Be Bear Aware.”
To “be bear aware,” MDC Black Bear Biologist Nate Bowersock said it is important that people remove or secure bear attractants from their property, such as bird feeders, trash, barbeque grills, pet food and food waste.
“As black bears become active in spring, they are on the search for food,” said Bowersock. “Keeping areas free of attractants to allow bears to find natural foods on their own is in everyone’s best interest. If you see a bear, leave the animal alone and enjoy the sighting, but be sure to not offer it any food.”
He noted that intentionally feeding bears can be dangerous as it makes the bears comfortable around people. It can also lead bears to cause significant damage to property while searching for a meal.
“When bears lose their fear of humans, they could approach people in search of food or become defensive around food sources or territory they associate with people, which can make them dangerous,” said Bowersock. “When this happens, the bear cannot be relocated and has to be destroyed. A fed bear is a dead bear.”
Food is usually a bear’s main motivator, but that also means it can be a main source of conflict. MDC offered the following tips to avoid attracting black bears to possible food sources:
Stash and latch trash. Store garbage, recyclables, and compost inside a secure building or in a bear-proof container until trash pick-up day.
Keep grills and smokers clean and store them inside.
Don’t leave pet food outside. Feed pets a portion at each meal and remove the empty containers.
Refrain from using birdfeeders in bear country from April through November.
Use electric fencing to keep bears away from beehives, chicken coops, vegetable gardens, orchards and other potential food sources.
Keep campsites clean and store all food, toiletries and trash in a secure vehicle or strung high between two trees. Do not keep food or toiletries in a tent, and do not burn or bury garbage or food waste.
Avoid conflicts with bears before damage occurs through prevention rather than dealing with a bear that already has discovered a food source.
While black bears are generally a shy, non-aggressive species and bear attacks are rare, follow these tips when outdoors in bear country:
Make noise, such as clapping, singing or talking loudly, to prevent surprising a bear.
Travel in a group if possible.
Keep dogs leashed.
Be aware of surroundings. If there is sign of a bear, such as tracks or scat, avoid the area.
Leave bears alone. Do not approach them, and make sure they have an escape route.
Report bear sightings online at For more information on Missouri black bears and how to Be Bear Aware, visit MDC online at