The theme for the 37th annual Women Aware Conference is MotivatHer and the breakout sessions are specially designed to celebrate women’s empowerment, education, and inspiration as well as highlight keynote speaker Elizabeth Smart.
The conference will be held Thursday, Sept. 19, at the Black River Coliseum.
Women Aware board member Janet McNece of Productive Staffing took on the challenge to upgrade the breakout sessions for the event.
McNece’s goal was to have a well rounded selection of sessions to appeal to a broad audience of women.
“I spent a lot of time researching trending topics, interactive sessions that are popular right now, and what similar women’s conferences are doing across the United States,” McNece said. “I found there is really nothing like our conference out there.”
Women Aware includes the opportunity to network, shop and receive information from vendors and businesses, 16 breakout sessions and a high caliber keynote speaker, said McNece.
The goal is deliver powerful messages to those who attend, she said.
“We truly are a unique organization providing great experience for women in our area,” she said.
McNece is excited about the new “Paint and Sip” classes by Joanna Pundsack.
“Art is a healing, therapeutic activity and this will be such a fun session,” McNece said. “These are limited to 40 attendees but we are offering this session four times so 160 women will get to participate in this.”
Also new this year is the “speed networking” session hosted by Christen Kinsey and Mallory Pender. This will be limited to 40 attendees but will be offered twice during the day.
The speed sessions “will be a fast way to meet new people and learn a little bit about each person in the room — kind of along the lines of “speed dating” but in a networking capacity to meet working women colleagues in our community,” McNece said.
There will be two session leaders from FCC Behavioral Health.
“Moriah Joplin will be address women’s mental health and Dianna Neal will be addressing addiction and how families can cope,” McNece said. “Both topics are highly relateable and attendees will receive valuable information from both of the session leaders.”
Several sessions will be hosted by successful local women who will share tips and insight into how they have grown businesses, pursued passions and overcome obstacles along the way.
The will include Amy McLean, Jill McGruder, Chantelle Becking and McNece.
“We also have a session hosted by Ashley Woolard, a counselor, addressing issues our kids are dealing with in school today,” McNece said.
Leona Berger will host a highly informative lesson about women’s heath health. McNece said, Berger “is passionate about educating women on the unique risks and preventative strategies for heart disease.”
Health and fitness as women age is another breakout session topic. It will an interactive class hosted by Rhonda Boyers with tips for aging well.
Brooke Duckworth, Alcheme Medical Spa, will address the deception caused by false advertising.
“She will talk truth rooted in science, help drown out the noise, and help women win the aging game with a cutting-edge approach to beauty and wellness,” McNece said.