“Living with Invisible Illnesses” is the topic of a free luncheon being held on Friday. The featured speaker is Poplar Bluff native Dr. Julie Farris. She will help define the term “invisible illnesses,” tell her story of growing up with one and give an overview of how to discuss these issues with your healthcare providers.
What are invisible illnesses? They are conditions people have that are not immediately apparent. They include chronic illnesses and other conditions that significantly impair normal activities of daily living.
“The aim is to help increase awareness and education, to remove the stigma, and to establish a support group to help combat the isolation, loneliness, frustration, grief and hopelessness that can arise while trying to cope,” said Lori Myers. Myers is a local advocate who has lived with a chronic invisible illness for 25 years.
This program is being sponsored by Missouri Highlands Health Care.
“We are happy to sponsor this luncheon to bring awareness to an unseen epidemic. This event aligns with many of Missouri Highland’s programmatic goals, including a primary mission focus of supporting programs and efforts that improve community health status and promote healthy behaviors in our rural population,” said Misty Morrison, director of Missouri Highlands Health Care’s Delta program. “The difficult thing about invisible illnesses is that they remain unseen. For so many people, seeing is believing and that only makes the fight harder for those living with chronic, invisible illnesses. A lot of times, people with invisible illnesses don’t seek the support they need because they fear they won’t be believed, or they perceive those with visible chronic conditions to be worse off than them. That is not the case. Every illness is valid. Every struggle and every individual is valid.”
The program begins at 11 a.m. Friday at Fellowship General Baptist Church, 3581 N. Westwood Boulevard. A social hour with coffee, fruit and pastries will be held at 10 a.m. for networking.
Reservations can be made by texting or calling 573-300-0691 or emailing hopefulheartspb@gmail.com. More information can be found by visiting the Invisible Illnesses – Hopeful Hearts Facebook page.