August 12, 2024

Winners of the four seats on the Ozark Border Electric Cooperative board of directors are Dewayne Ligons, Dennis “Boots” LeGrand, Lee Wright and Chad Parker. Voting ended Friday. Ligons of Ellsinore will represent District One and received 2,117 votes...

Winners of the four seats on the Ozark Border Electric Cooperative Board of Directors are DeWayne Ligons, Dennis “Boots” LeGrand, Lee Wright and Chad Parker. Voting ended Friday.

Ligons of Ellsinore will represent District One and received 2,117 votes.

LeGrand’s 1,446 votes captured the seat in District 2. Other candidates in District 2 were Gary Melson, who received 887 votes and Tod Spradley who had 128 votes. All three are from Poplar Bluff.

While Wright’s 840 votes landed him a spot to represent District 3, his competitors and their vote totals were Bill Crawford, 744; Larry Kimbrow, 453; and Donna Sue Ashcraft-Fincher, 480 votes.

Parker’s 2,155 votes netted him a seat representing District 4. He is from Campbell.

After the election, OBEC general manager and Poplar Bluff office CEO David Schremp recognized employees who retired in the past year. These were Renee Harris, who was a dispatcher at Poplar Bluff and retired after 20 years of service; Becky Smith, a cashier billing clerk at Poplar Bluff who retired with 23 years of service; Sharon Ballew, member relations clerk, who retired after 30; and Greg Darnell, a service foreman at Poplar Bluff, who retired after 44 years.

“Together, this group represents 117 years of experience and service to the co-op, and I just want to say how

much we appreciate all these people, and we wish them all a very happy retirement, “ Schremp said.
