Staff Writer
Following the end of the legislative session, Gov. Mike Parson signed a bill specifically aimed at reducing the number of suicides with veterans; but the solution isn’t entirely clear.
The Missouri Veterans Commission has been specifically tasked with addressing the issue and making progress improving those numbers. Paul Kirchhoff, the executive director of the Veterans Commission said he takes this new task very seriously, as the subject hits close to home with him.
“I had a very close friend that I deployed to Afghanistan with, and he eventually committed suicide,” Kirchhoff explained. “It’s one of those things where so many people can only ask ‘why?’”
The Department of Veterans Affairs compiles statistical information regarding veteran suicides on a three-year period — with the most recent numbers being from 2021. Those numbers reflect that Missouri has a veteran suicide rate that is one of the highest in the country. The Missouri rate is 45 people per 100,000 people, compared to a national rage of 33 people per 100,000, according to the VA. The rate for all individuals, including those who are not veterans, is 18 people per 100,000.
Kirchhoff went on to explain there is no gender or age specific tie to the number of suicides among Missouri veterans.
“It’s odd, because the military mindset seems to be at odds with the notion of suicide,” Kirchhoff stated. “I think there are probably different motivations, but the result is the same. And we need to change that.”
Kirchhoff noted post-traumatic stress is a big problem that affects a significant portion of the veteran population.
“But we’re also seeing that there are suicides with veterans who weren’t deployed and never saw combat,” Kirchhoff explained. “So, we can’t just focus on that one perspective.”
While Kirchhoff plans to examine different therapies and treatment options, he said he believes there is a big help that can be obtained now.
“I know that when veterans get together with other veterans to share stories and their feelings, it has a more positive impact on their mental health,” Kirchhoff remarked. “It’s like a treatment in and of itself.”
Larry Kimbrow, president of the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) Poplar Bluff Chapter 1056, said he agrees with Kirchhoff’s assessment.
“One of the reason I’m so active in organizations like the VVA and the Lions Club and things like that, is because it keeps me busy,” Kimbrow remarked. “I knew a long time ago that when it came to my post-traumatic stress, I had two options. Option one would be avoiding people and avoiding crowds and trying to manage it silently on my won. The second option was to get involved and to surround myself with veterans and other people who understand where I’ve been and what I have seen. I knew that keeping myself busy was a good thing.”
Kimbrow said he believes that veterans bonding with each other in different organizations is a very effective method for combating negative thoughts.
“In our chapter of the VVA we have a buddy system,” Kimbrow explained. “So when someone doesn’t show up for a couple meetings in a row, we call and we go to check on them to make sure everything is OK. Sometimes they don’t want to talk but most of the time they will.”
Kimbrow explained that the VVA is just one of multiple organizations locally for veterans.
“I know the VFW and the American Legion are very welcoming places for veterans,” Kimbrow noted. “And the VA hospital here in town does an amazing job and has a variety of programs that are designed to help veterans focus on their mental health. There are lots of resources there at that location. I don’t think very many people realize what an actual gem we have in that hospital here in Poplar Bluff.”
While the Missouri Veterans Commission continues to investigate therapies and different programs to help lower the number of suicides, Kirchhoff emphasized that if someone is in crisis, there is help available.
“If someone is really struggling, I would encourage them to dial 988 and hit option one,” Kirchoff exclaimed. “That is the hotline for suicidal people and option one will get you transferred to speak with someone that deals with veterans and veteran issues.”
Kirchhoff also recommended visiting the website: That website contains information about local/regional activities and groups.