July 10, 2024

Butler County authorities arrested a suspect in connection with a string of burglaries in Williamsville and recovered thousands of dollars in stolen property.

By SAMANTHA TUCKER Assistant Editor and JONATHON DAWE Staff Writer

Butler County authorities arrested a suspect in connection with a string of burglaries in Williamsville and recovered thousands of dollars in stolen property.

James Lewis Boyer, 44, of Poplar Bluff was arrested during a search warrant execution at a Poplar Bluff residence on Monday. Items at the scene connected him and accomplice Adam Hillis with at least four burglaries in Williamsville and Poplar Bluff. The investigation began on June 1 when a saw blade grinder was reported stolen at a sawmill in Williamsville. It was valued at approximately $1,000. On July 2, a Williamsville resident reported another burglary, with roughly $2,965 in property stolen.

The string of break-ins continued the next day when two separate individuals reported their camper trailers were damaged and robbed on July 3. Both were parked on private property near Butler County Road 523A. The trailers were robbed of items valued at $550 and $2,500, respectively, and each sustained around $200 in damage. Deputies located nearby trail cameras with footage of two individuals believed to be responsible.

According to the probable cause affidavit, Boyer was able to gain access to multiple properties by prying the doors open and causing structural damage with his entry. At one of the properties, Boyer stole a flame-thrower, full propane tanks, and various other items.

The break in the case arrived on Monday when Butler County investigators learned some of the stolen items were seen at a residence on Hampton Court in Poplar Bluff. Upon arrival, they confirmed the items’ presence and spotted a male subject fleeing on foot. 

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The residence was secured and a search warrant was obtained. Detectives from the Poplar Bluff Police Department helped search the premises, and Boyer was found hiding in a bedroom with his 7-year-old daughter. He was identified from the trail camera photos and his accomplice was revealed as Adam Hillis, who Boyer confirmed had fled earlier. 

Items found during the search matched items stolen from the campers and Minstrel Lane residence. Others matched stolen goods reported in burglaries within Poplar Bluff, including tools from a construction crew working on Roxie Road. The total value of stolen items recovered is unknown at this time.

Investigators interviewed Boyer, who reportedly confessed that he and Hillis had burglarized the two trailers and drove to the locations in Hillis’ red Toyota truck. According to the report, Boyer said he committed the robberies because he was homeless and wanted money to get a place of his own. He also stated he had been living with Hillis for approximately one month.

Boyer is charged with two counts of second-degree burglary, two felony counts of stealing and two misdemeanor counts of property damage.

No information was provided regarding Hillis, and there is no report as of press time. The investigation is ongoing.

Editor's note: This story was updated at 3:36 p.m.

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