Travis Holloway was arrested Sunday, June 16, on Pine Street for stealing from Dollar General.
Morse Harwell and Jiles Insurance employees reported Sunday, June 16, property damage had been to the building.
Officers formally advised Jessica Powers Sunday, June 16, she was no longer allowed to come onto Walgreens’ property.
Officers took a missing person report Sunday, June 16, and were able to later locate the individual in jail in another jurisdiction.
Officers took a report Sunday, June 16, in reference to a missing person who was last seen boarding a train to Texas. Officers have been in contact with the Amtrak Police Department, who are also attempting to locate the missing individual.
Officers took a report Sunday, June 16, in reference to a lost or stolen license plate on the 800 block of Kendall, which was later located and returned to the owner.
A resident of 508 Bartlett Street reported Sunday, June 16, she returned home and located an unknown individual in her apartment.
Officers formally advised Christopher Haskins on Sunday, June 16, he was no longer allowed to come onto Walmart property.
Stephon Smith was arrested Sunday, June 16, at Ninth and Spring streets on multiple warrants.
Officers attempted Sunday, June 16, to stop a dirt bike driving on the road at Sixth and Main streets. The driver of the dirt bike fled from officers, who recognized the driver. The driver will be mailed him multiple citations.
Officers responded Sunday, June 16, to RM Connections in reference to an alarm. Unknown person(s) had attempted to force entry into the business, according to the report.