June 13, 2024

An unknown Qulin resident lodged an explosive protest against a levee. Specifically, they blew a hole in it with dynamite to drain standing water into the St. Francis River. Authorities say this vigilante renovation will cause even bigger problems the next time the river floods...

An unknown Qulin resident lodged an explosive protest against a levee. Specifically, they blew a hole in it with dynamite to drain standing water into the St. Francis River. Authorities say this vigilante renovation will cause even bigger problems the next time the river floods.

__100 years ago__

June 13, 1924

• Poplar Bluff and Kennett businesses held the first of several planned goodwill visits today. A delegation of 71 businessmen took the Butler County Railroad from Poplar Bluff to Kennett for a conference, banquet and baseball game. Other trips are in the works for the Kiwanis Club and Poplar Bluff Chamber of Commerce to foster positivity between regional professionals.

• The Butler County Railroad announced a new train service will carry mail and passengers between Fagus and Tipperary, Arkansas, in a one-hour round trip. The Daily Republican said the first trip will be June 16.

__75 years ago__

June 13, 1949

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• A controversial section of levee was dynamited in the night. Investigators are fishing for suspects.

The 14-foot levee borders the St. Francis River, and its new 15-foot-wide gap is four miles southeast of Qulin. State and county authorities believe it was blasted between 8-10 p.m. Saturday, June 11.

On the surface, the hole alleviates a multi-year problem for the district: low-lying cotton and corn fields repeatedly flooding due to rain. The surface water ranges in depth from a few inches to a few feet, and farmers have spent years petitioning the Inter-River Drainage District to install a gate in the levee to drain it. Authorities believe this is the motive for the destruction. Indeed, most of the surface water had drained out of the gap by this morning, but Butler County Sheriff Bill Brent and engineer John Greason warned the unsanctioned demolition would do more harm than good when the St. Francis River floods. Instead of 200 acres of flooded land, “several hundred acres” will likely go under.

Public opinion in Qulin was split over the vandalism — about half of residents in the affected area supported it. The sheriff reminded Daily American Republic readers that dynamiting levees is a felony punishable by 2-15 years in prison under state law.

__50 years ago__

June 13, 1974

• It’s a bad time to ride a bike. Three young cyclists were hospitalized with broken bones and head injuries in a 24-hour period. Ricky Harris, no age given, broke his clavicle when he was thrown over the bars of his bike on June 11 in Poplar Bluff. The same day Jeffrey Chadwell, age 9, and Terry Jelks, 10, collided with a truck while riding the streets of Fremont and were brought to Poplar Bluff for treatment. Chadwell fractured his pelvis, while Jelks sustained a head injury and was released the same day.

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