“First of all, give yourselves a round of applause,” Missouri State Treasurer Vivek Malek said to a captive audience. “What you do here is wonderful. It’s meaningful and dignified employment and you’re making a valuable contribution to society.”
That was how Malek introduced himself to employees of the Manufacturers Assistance Group (MAG) Sheltered Workshop in Poplar Bluff on Wednesday afternoon.
Malek stopped by the facility as part of his tour of such workshops throughout the state. The purpose of his visit was to inform everyone about the MO ABLE program.
According to Malek, eligible Missourians with disabilities have the opportunity to open an investment account and save money without losing eligibility for other benefits, such as Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) through MO ABLE.
“This program is designed to help you save money on qualified expenses, which you have,” Malek explained. “And your SSI and Medicaid benefits aren’t impacted by this at all.”
According to Malek, money from MO ABLE accounts may be used for expenses such as basic living costs, housing, transportation, employment training, education, health and wellness, and financial management. Earnings from those accounts are not subject to taxes when spent on qualified expenses.
“We currently employ 55 people,” Diane Arnold explained at the beginning of the tour. “At one point before Covid-19, we had 120 people working here.”
Malek believed having 55 employees was still a solid number and something to be proud of.
“You provide a valuable service here,” Malek stated.
Diane and Jeff Arnold provided information about the history of the workshop and toured the facility with Malek, taking him by different work stations and explaining how products are assembled before shipping to local factories like Briggs and Stratton.
Malek explained that he has visited three other workshops already this week, and has been conducting a month-long effort to promote the MO ABLE program. He very recently attended the Special Olympics State Indoor Games in St. Louis.
Manufacturers Assistance Group is one of 89 workshop corporations located around the state of Missouri, which collectively provide employment for approximately 6,100 people with disabilities.
“Achieving financial independence is a goal that all Missourians deserve to strive for,” Malek said in a press release. “MO ABLE can help people with disabilities achieve this goal by saving money on qualified expenses, growing their savings through investments while preserving eligibility for the benefits they rely on every day.”