November 3, 2023

Community Church of Christ in Lowndes recently hosted their second annual Old Fashion Days. From open-flame cooking and baking to home remedy herbs and oils, the church had a successful turnout, according to organizers, who said they wanted to demonstrate to the public the benefits of being self-sufficient...

Alicea Hull Contributing Writer

Community Church of Christ in Lowndes recently hosted their second annual Old Fashion Days.

From open-flame cooking and baking to home remedy herbs and oils, the church had a successful turnout, according to organizers, who said they wanted to demonstrate to the public the benefits of being self-sufficient.

The day was all about teaching the simple ways of living and with a little hard work, people can rely solely on themselves.

“Our goal for the Old Fashion Days is to have fellowship amongst one another with our friends, family and even neighbors,” stated a minister of the church. “We want to come together and learn hardworking ways of living and teach the people that they don’t always have to rely on technology to survive.”

The church plans to continue hosting Old Fashion Days and hopes word spreads and more people come out and enjoy the day with them next year.
