__Oct. 3, 1923__
• A Qulin man is fatally injured in a hay baling accident. John White, 56, was forcing hay into the baler with his right leg when the “compress apparatus” caught and mangled it. White was transported to a local doctor and then to Poplar Bluff hospital, in serious condition from shock and blood loss. An update in the Oct. 4 paper stated he succumbed to his injuries the following afternoon.
• The Royal Cuticle Company advertises its wares in Poplar Bluff by building a replica of the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. using 5,000 bars of Medicated Royal Cuticle Soap. The display is housed at the Graham Drug Company.
__Oct. 3, 1948__
No editions are available.
__Oct. 3, 1973__
• The SHO ME Marching Band lead a downtown parade in Poplar Bluff with 20 other area bands on Oct. 2 before competing in the Southeast Missouri Band Festival. No information is published about how the SHO ME band placed, but they evidently saw success at another competition in St. Louis.
• Dexter funeral directors are discontinuing ambulance service to the area, but the city has the option of operating its own ambulance district.
Alderman Jack Smarr reported to the city council that the city could purchase ambulances from Memphis, Tennessee, for $1,000-$1,500 each and train staff to operate them by the Jan. 1, 1974 cutoff date. The mayor requested more information for the next meeting.
• The Poplar Bluff School System, and all other Missouri schools, must complete a census of disabled and disadvantaged children by November.
The census is required by House Bill 474, which was enacted by Gov. Kit Bond, and by the Amendments of 1968 to the Vocational Act. All information from the census will be “kept in the strictest confidence,” the article reports.