August 28, 2023

Friday, Sept. 1 • 6 p.m. AMVETS Post 29 bingo, doors open at 4 p.m., early events start at 4:30 p.m. Located at 115 E Harper St., AMVETS is a non-smoking and non-alcohol establishment. Food and drinks are available. • 7 p.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768...

Here's a look at community calendar items for September. Items are updated throughout the month and listed daily on the record/obituaries page in the Daily American Republic print edition and eEdition.

__Friday, Sept. 1__

• 6 p.m. AMVETS Post 29 bingo, doors open at 4 p.m., early events start at 4:30 p.m. Located at 115 E Harper St., AMVETS is a non-smoking and non-alcohol establishment. Food and drinks are available.

• 7 p.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 7-9 p.m. RU Recovery Program, Westwood Baptist Church, 49 CR 5231. Free faith based addiction recovery. Transportation and childcare available. Contact 573-686-1260.

__Saturday, Sept. 2__

• 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Moark Regional Railroad Museum in historic 1928 Frisco Depot across Fifth Street from Black River Coliseum, free admission. Contact: 573-785-4539.

• 6 p.m. Saturday night bingo resumes at V.F.W. Post #6477 at 415 South Broadway. There is no minimum. For info, call Eva Baucom, 573-686-2157.

• Wappapello Civic Center closed

__Sunday, Sept. 3__

• 11 a.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 6 p.m. Aerie Eagles Bingo, doors open 3 p.m., pull-tabs 4 p.m. 1400 S. Broadway, PB.

__Monday, Sept. 4__

LABOR DAY (Some events might be canceled or rescheduled due to holiday.)

• 7 p.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 7-8 p.m. True Vine Recovery Support Group for substance abuse and addiction. will meet at VFW Hall on Richardson Street, Puxico.

• 9 a.m. Light line dancing & gentle yoga classes, Ellsinore Youth & Comm. Ctr. Contact: 703-789-6492.

• 10 a.m. Sexual Assault Support Group. Haven House.

• 9-10 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free), Twin Towers Senior Center activity room


• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

• 6 p.m. the American Military Veterans Organization Post 29 Auxiliary Meeting, 115 E. Harper St. AMVETS is a non-smoking and non-alcohol establishment.

__Tuesday, Sept. 5__

• 6 p.m. Eagles Auxiliary Bingo, doors open 3 p.m., pull-tabs 4 p.m. 1400 S. Broadway, PB.

• 10 a.m. Parenting Group. Haven House.

• 9:30-10:30 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free) Doniphan Senior Center.

• 12:30-1:30 p.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic Exercise Classes (low impact). Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)


• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

• 7 p.m. Poplar Bluff City Council, city council chambers, 301 S. Fifth St.

• 6 p.m. Alzheimer’s support group, PBRMC cafeteria, private dining rm. Contact: 575-494-3312 or 573-718-0702.

• 6:30 p.m. Butler County Landlord Association meeting — Social half-hour 6 p.m.; Key Drugs Conference Room.

__Wednesday, Sept. 6__

• 7 p.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting.

• 10 a.m. Domestic Violence Support Group, Haven House.

• 9-10 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free), Twin Towers Senior Center activity room


• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

__Thursday, Sept. 7__

• Noon A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 5:30 p.m. TOPS MO 1172 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Second Baptist Church, 503 West Pine St. PB. Weigh-in starts at 5 p.m., meeting follows. Contact: 573-712-8069 or 573-785-2017.

• 7 p.m. AA meeting, Little Brushy Church, 8346 State Hwy. T, Wappapello. Contact: 573-712-0333.

• 10:30 a.m. Life Skills Support Group. Haven House.

• 6-7:30 p.m. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) meeting at Fellowship Church, 3581 N. Westwood Blvd. PB. Contact: 573-727-4966, 573-429-6915 or 576-714-8856.

• Take Off Pounds Sensibly TOPS Mo. 347 group gathers at 5:30 p.m. each Thursday at the Palace of Praise Church, 1400 Herschel Bess Blvd. Contact 573-686-1678 or 573-714-3587.

• 9:30-10:30 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free) Doniphan Senior Center.

• 12:30-1:30 p.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic Exercise Classes (low impact). Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required) SUBJECT TO CHANGE

• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

__Friday, Sept. 8__

• 6 p.m. AMVETS Post 29 bingo, doors open at 4 p.m., early events start at 4:30 p.m. Located at 115 E Harper St., AMVETS is a non-smoking and non-alcohol establishment. Food and drinks are available.

• 7 p.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 7-9 p.m. RU Recovery Program, Westwood Baptist Church, 49 CR 5231. Free faith based addiction recovery. Transportation and childcare available. Contact 573-686-1260.

Saturday, Sept. 9

• 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Moark Regional Railroad Museum in historic 1928 Frisco Depot across Fifth Street from Black River Coliseum, free admission. Contact: 573-785-4539.

• 6 p.m. Saturday night bingo resumes at V.F.W. Post #6477 at 415 South Broadway. There is no minimum. For info, call Eva Baucom, 573-686-2157.

• The Wappapello Civic Center, located just north of the dam on Civic Center Road, will have a dance from 7-10 p.m. featuring the RED LIGHT BAND. $7 admission- concessions available. This is a smoke and alcohol free facility.

__Sunday, Sept. 10__

• 11 a.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 6 p.m. Aerie Eagles Bingo, doors open 3 p.m., pull-tabs 4 p.m. 1400 S. Broadway, PB.

__Monday, Sept. 11__

• 7 p.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 7-8 p.m. True Vine Recovery Support Group for substance abuse and addiction. will meet at VFW Hall on Richardson Street, Puxico.

• 9 a.m. Light line dancing & gentle yoga classes, Ellsinore Youth & Comm. Ctr. Contact: 703-789-6492.

• 10 a.m. Sexual Assault Support Group. Haven House.

• 9-10 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free), Twin Towers Senior Center activity room


• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

• 7 p.m. the American Military Veterans Organization Post 29 Dinner, followed by membership meeting at 7:30 p.m. 115 E. Harper St. All veterans are welcome to attend.

__Tuesday, Sept. 12__

• 6 p.m. Eagles Auxiliary Bingo, doors open 3 p.m., pull-tabs 4 p.m. 1400 S. Broadway, PB.

• 10 a.m. Parenting Group. Haven House.

• 9:30-10:30 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free) Doniphan Senior Center.

• 12:30-1:30 p.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic Exercise Classes (low impact). Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)


• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

• 7 p.m. the American Military Veterans Organization, 115 E. Harper St. Meal at 7 p.m., business meeting at 8 p.m. National Guard and Reservists welcome. Contact: 573-686-8837.

__Wednesday, Sept. 13__

• 7 p.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting.

• 10 a.m. Domestic Violence Support Group, Haven House.

• 9-10 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free), Twin Towers Senior Center activity room


• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

__Thursday, Sept. 14__

• Noon A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 5:30 p.m. TOPS MO 1172 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Second Baptist Church, 503 West Pine St. PB. Weigh-in starts at 5 p.m., meeting follows. Contact: 573-712-8069 or 573-785-2017.

• 7 p.m. AA meeting, Little Brushy Church, 8346 State Hwy. T, Wappapello. Contact: 573-712-0333.

• 10:30 a.m. Life Skills Support Group. Haven House.

• 6-7:30 p.m. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) meeting at Fellowship Church, 3581 N. Westwood Blvd. PB. Contact: 573-727-4966, 573-429-6915 or 576-714-8856.

• Take Off Pounds Sensibly TOPS Mo. 347 group gathers at 5:30 p.m. each Thursday at the Palace of Praise Church, 1400 Herschel Bess Blvd. Contact 573-686-1678 or 573-714-3587.

• 9:30-10:30 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free) Doniphan Senior Center.

• 12:30-1:30 p.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic Exercise Classes (low impact). Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required) SUBJECT TO CHANGE

• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

• 6 p.m. Cancer Support Group sponsored by Ozark Total Healthcare, 2725 N Westwood Blvd., use north entrance, Suite 16. For cancer patients from diagnosis to survivorship, as well as caregivers. RSVP with Becky Paukner, 573-225-2003, or Tammy Kaempfe, 573-300-9500.

__Friday, Sept. 15__

• 6 p.m. AMVETS Post 29 bingo, doors open at 4 p.m., early events start at 4:30 p.m. Located at 115 E Harper St., AMVETS is a non-smoking and non-alcohol establishment. Food and drinks are available.

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• 7 p.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 7-9 p.m. RU Recovery Program, Westwood Baptist Church, 49 CR 5231. Free faith based addiction recovery. Transportation and childcare available. Contact 573-686-1260.

__Saturday, Sept. 16__

• 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Moark Regional Railroad Museum in historic 1928 Frisco Depot across Fifth Street from Black River Coliseum, free admission. Contact: 573-785-4539.

• 6 p.m. Saturday night bingo resumes at V.F.W. Post #6477 at 415 South Broadway. There is no minimum. For info, call Eva Baucom, 573-686-2157.

__Sunday, Sept. 17__

• 11 a.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 6 p.m. Aerie Eagles Bingo, doors open 3 p.m., pull-tabs 4 p.m. 1400 S. Broadway, PB.

__Monday, Sept. 18__

• 7 p.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 7-8 p.m. True Vine Recovery Support Group for substance abuse and addiction. will meet at VFW Hall on Richardson Street, Puxico.

• 9 a.m. Light line dancing & gentle yoga classes, Ellsinore Youth & Comm. Ctr. Contact: 703-789-6492.

• 10 a.m. Sexual Assault Support Group. Haven House.

• 9-10 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free), Twin Towers Senior Center activity room


• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

• 7 p.m. Poplar Bluff City Council, city council chambers, 301 S. Fifth St.

__Tuesday, Sept. 19__

• 6 p.m. Eagles Auxiliary Bingo, doors open 3 p.m., pull-tabs 4 p.m. 1400 S. Broadway, PB.

• 10 a.m. Parenting Group. Haven House.

• 9:30-10:30 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free) Doniphan Senior Center.

• 12:30-1:30 p.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic Exercise Classes (low impact). Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)


• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

• 6 p.m. Alzheimer’s support group, PBRMC cafeteria, private dining rm. Contact: 575-494-3312 or 573-718-0702.

__Wednesday, Sept. 20__

• 7 p.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting.

• 10 a.m. Domestic Violence Support Group, Haven House.

• 9-10 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free), Twin Towers Senior Center activity room


• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

__Thursday, Sept. 21__

• Noon A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 5:30 p.m. TOPS MO 1172 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Second Baptist Church, 503 West Pine St. PB. Weigh-in starts at 5 p.m., meeting follows. Contact: 573-712-8069 or 573-785-2017.

• 7 p.m. AA meeting, Little Brushy Church, 8346 State Hwy. T, Wappapello. Contact: 573-712-0333.

• 10:30 a.m. Life Skills Support Group. Haven House.

• 6-7:30 p.m. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) meeting at Fellowship Church, 3581 N. Westwood Blvd. PB. Contact: 573-727-4966, 573-429-6915 or 576-714-8856.

• Take Off Pounds Sensibly TOPS Mo. 347 group gathers at 5:30 p.m. each Thursday at the Palace of Praise Church, 1400 Herschel Bess Blvd. Contact 573-686-1678 or 573-714-3587.

• 9:30-10:30 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free) Doniphan Senior Center.

• 12:30-1:30 p.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic Exercise Classes (low impact). Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required) SUBJECT TO CHANGE

• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

• 12:30 p.m. The SEMO United Blind Club will meet in the Snider Room at the Twin Towers Contact: 573-776-1712.

__Friday, Sept. 22__

• 6 p.m. AMVETS Post 29 bingo, doors open at 4 p.m., early events start at 4:30 p.m. Located at 115 E Harper St., AMVETS is a non-smoking and non-alcohol establishment. Food and drinks are available.

• 7 p.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 7-9 p.m. RU Recovery Program, Westwood Baptist Church, 49 CR 5231. Free faith based addiction recovery. Transportation and childcare available. Contact 573-686-1260.

__Saturday, Sept. 23__

• 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Moark Regional Railroad Museum in historic 1928 Frisco Depot across Fifth Street from Black River Coliseum, free admission. Contact: 573-785-4539.

• 6 p.m. Saturday night bingo resumes at V.F.W. Post #6477 at 415 South Broadway. There is no minimum. For info, call Eva Baucom, 573-686-2157.

__Sunday, Sept. 24__

• 11 a.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 6 p.m. Aerie Eagles Bingo, doors open 3 p.m., pull-tabs 4 p.m. 1400 S. Broadway, PB.

__Monday, Sept. 25__

• 9 a.m. Light line dancing & gentle yoga classes, Ellsinore Youth & Comm. Ctr. Contact: 703-789-6492.

• 10 a.m. Sexual Assault Support Group. Haven House.

• 9-10 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free), Twin Towers Senior Center activity room


• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

• 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Car seat safety event, Poplar Bluff Fire Department, 300 S. Broadway, Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians will provide education, perform car seat inspections, review expiration dates, discuss car seat installation, usage and car seat recalls. Checks take an average of 30 minutes to complete. More details, visit

• 7 p.m. the American Military Veterans Organization Post 29 Dinner, followed by membership meeting at 7:30 p.m. 115 E. Harper St. All veterans are welcome to attend.

• 6 p.m. Altrusa Club meeting. Twin Towers, 518 Bartlett,  Poplar Bluff. Contact: 573-718-5160.

• 7 p.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 7-8 p.m. True Vine Recovery Support Group for substance abuse and addiction. will meet at VFW Hall on Richardson Street, Puxico.

__Tuesday, Sept. 26__

• 6 p.m. Eagles Auxiliary Bingo, doors open 3 p.m., pull-tabs 4 p.m. 1400 S. Broadway, PB.

• 10 a.m. Parenting Group. Haven House.

• 9:30-10:30 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free) Doniphan Senior Center.

• 12:30-1:30 p.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic Exercise Classes (low impact). Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)


• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

• 7 p.m. the American Military Veterans Organization, 115 E. Harper St. Meal at 7 p.m., business meeting at 8 p.m. National Guard and Reservists welcome. Contact: 573-686-8837.

__Wednesday, Sept. 27__

• 7 p.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting.

• 10 a.m. Domestic Violence Support Group, Haven House.

• 9-10 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free), Twin Towers Senior Center activity room


• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

__Thursday, Sept. 28__

• Noon A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 5:30 p.m. TOPS MO 1172 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Second Baptist Church, 503 West Pine St. PB. Weigh-in starts at 5 p.m., meeting follows. Contact: 573-712-8069 or 573-785-2017.

• 7 p.m. AA meeting, Little Brushy Church, 8346 State Hwy. T, Wappapello. Contact: 573-712-0333.

• 10:30 a.m. Life Skills Support Group. Haven House.

• 6-7:30 p.m. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) meeting at Fellowship Church, 3581 N. Westwood Blvd. PB. Contact: 573-727-4966, 573-429-6915 or 576-714-8856.

• Take Off Pounds Sensibly TOPS Mo. 347 group gathers at 5:30 p.m. each Thursday at the Palace of Praise Church, 1400 Herschel Bess Blvd. Contact 573-686-1678 or 573-714-3587.

• 9:30-10:30 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Land Exercises Classes (free) Doniphan Senior Center.

• 12:30-1:30 p.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic Exercise Classes (low impact). Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)


• 10-11 a.m. ILCSEMO Arthritis Aquatic Basic “Plus” Exercise Classes (high impact) Black River Coliseum pool (membership/pay per class/or scholarship required)

__Friday, Sept. 29__

• 6 p.m. AMVETS Post 29 bingo, doors open at 4 p.m., early events start at 4:30 p.m. Located at 115 E Harper St., AMVETS is a non-smoking and non-alcohol establishment. Food and drinks are available.

• 7 p.m. A.A. Poplar Bluff Serenity Group, 506 E. Pine St., closed meeting. Contact: 573-714-2768.

• 7-9 p.m. RU Recovery Program, Westwood Baptist Church, 49 CR 5231. Free faith-based addiction recovery. Transportation and childcare available. Contact 573-686-1260.

__Saturday, Sept. 30__

• 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Moark Regional Railroad Museum in historic 1928 Frisco Depot across Fifth Street from Black River Coliseum, free admission. Contact: 573-785-4539.

• 6 p.m. Saturday night bingo resumes at V.F.W. Post #6477 at 415 South Broadway. There is no minimum. For info, call Eva Baucom, 573-686-2157.

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