It is becoming increasingly evident that our standing as one of the most pro-life states in the nation is facing a serious challenge. A group of abortion advocates is circulating petitions with the aim of placing a question on the ballot, seeking to restore abortion rights in Missouri. This proposed ballot measure would establish the right to abortion in our state’s constitution, even permitting the practice throughout all nine months of pregnancy, including “partial-birth” abortion procedures.
This gruesome medical procedure involves delivering a substantial portion of a living child outside the mother’s body, often involving the head or trunk, and then employing methods such as skull crushing or brain suction to terminate the child’s life.
My colleagues and I are committed to preventing the elevation of abortion to a constitutional right. Some of our state legislators have taken legal action, pushing for a transparent assessment of the true economic consequences of unrestricted abortion. The initial estimate of the cost is just $51,000, but it’s essential to recognize that the genuine cost, apart from the loss of thousands of lives, could amount to billions in lost earnings and subsequent tax revenues for our state.
I also join my fellow pro-life advocates across the state in urging citizens to exercise caution when approached to sign any petitions. It’s crucial to fully comprehend what you are endorsing, as a successful petition could lead to its inclusion on the ballot and potential approval next year.
Regrettably, even if citizens in our region decline to sign the petition, it could still make it to the ballot. The existing requirement for a proposed constitutional amendment to be included on the ballot necessitates a minimum number of signatures from just six out of the eight congressional districts. This means that petition circulators only need to focus on densely populated areas like St. Louis, Kansas City, and the I-70 corridor to meet the criteria. No signatures are mandated from rural regions, such as our 8th district or the 6th in northern Missouri.
I am actively pursuing a solution to address this issue in the legislature. I introduced legislation in the House that mandates signatures be collected from all eight house districts. This legislation garnered support from major organizations representing rural Missourians. Although it didn’t pass the Senate, I will persist in pursuing it in future legislative sessions.
Abortion affects not only the child but also the mother. Personally, my mother had an abortion before I was born, and not only did the baby lose its life, but my mother also endured lifelong emotional suffering. That’s why I greatly value the stance of my preacher, Steve Proctor, who recently emphasized his opposition to any form of abortion throughout the entirety of pregnancy.
I take pride in having been the first co-sponsor of HB 126 in 2019, a bill that prohibited abortion in Missouri except in cases of medical emergencies. I dedicated substantial effort to ensure its passage and was gratified to witness its enactment into law last year following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Thanks to my unwavering support for life, I was one of just seven incumbents out of 163 representatives endorsed by Missouri Right to Life in last year’s general election.
I encourage you to stand alongside me in our collective efforts to uphold Missouri’s commitment to the sanctity of unborn lives.
May God bless and keep you and our great nation.
Hardy Billington represents District 152, which includes Butler County.