May 25, 2023

A Puxico veteran is being honored for going beyond the call of duty to serve his community. Duane Martin has been recognized by the Veterans of Foreign Wars #StillServing campaign for his dedication to country and community. The campaign highlights veterans who continue to serve in their communities after the military...

A Puxico veteran is being honored for going beyond the call of duty to serve his community.

Duane Martin has been recognized by the Veterans of Foreign Wars #StillServing campaign for his dedication to country and community. The campaign highlights veterans who continue to serve in their communities after the military.

Martin is commander of VFW Post 7822 in Puxico and is deeply involved in local scouts organizations. Post 7822 is the chartered organization for a Cub Scout Pack and a Boy Scout Troop, providing a meeting place and other support for the groups. Martin serves as the chartered organization representative for the Scouts, meaning he liaises between the VFW and the Scouting units. He has served in many Scout leader positions on and off since the late 1960s to the present.

Martin has been involved in the VFW his whole life as well. As a kid in the 1960s, his dad was the Post Commander and at his request, Martin started playing taps at veteran funerals. Fast forward a few decades, and he is now entering his second year as Post Commander.

Martin said he is still serving because his dad, VFW members and his scoutmasters always impressed upon him the importance of giving back. He added he enjoys working with youth in the scouting program and with the VFW in assisting veterans, their families and the Puxico community.

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There is a national trend of veterans leading the way in civic service. According to the 2021 Veterans Civic Health Index:

• Veterans average nearly 30% more volunteer hours per year than non-veterans.

• Nearly 40% more veterans belong to a group working on community issues.

• Veterans are more like to be registered to vote (7%) and have recently voted (6%).

• Veterans outpace civilians 15% in charitable donations.

More information about the #StillServing campaign and opportunities to highlight veterans are available at

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