May 15, 2023

Twin Rivers High School has named its top students, with Hannah Patterson being valedictorian and Caitlyn Deken salutatorian. Patterson expressed her gratitude for the support and encouragement she received from her loved ones during her journey to academic excellence...

Misty Dejournett

Twin Rivers High School has named its top students, with Hannah Patterson being valedictorian and Caitlyn Deken salutatorian.

Patterson expressed her gratitude for the support and encouragement she received from her loved ones during her journey to academic excellence.

“I feel very honored to be named valedictorian of my class this year because it took a lot of hard work and determination to get to where I am today,” said Patterson.

She emphasized the people who stood by her and supported her through thick and thin were the real honor.

Patterson shared she had learned a valuable lesson during her high school years.

“Coming into high school, I spent too much time worrying about what everyone else thought of me to the point that I didn’t think very highly of myself,” said Patterson. “But because of those amazing people in my life who have stood by me through the highs and lows, I learned to be more confident in myself, and to spend less time trying to be the person everyone else expected of me and more time living my life as the person God created me to be.”

She added her participation in groups such as Beta Club, Drama Club, Future Business Leaders of America, Scholar Bowl, Student Council and Students Together Against Negative Decisions, as well as Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Students Standing Strong, gave her a sense of community and helped her deepen her relationship with God.

Patterson acknowledged that her proudest accomplishments were the moments when she could share her knowledge with others and help them.

“My proudest accomplishments are the little moments that people may not perfectly remember, but always have the biggest impact,” said Patterson.

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She expressed her appreciation for her family, including her parents Eric and Cindy Patterson, and her grandparents Bruce and Loretta Yarbro and Max and Sherrie Patterson, for their unwavering love and support.

As for her plans after graduation, Patterson shared that she would be attending the University of Missouri Columbia to earn a degree in English, so she can serve as a high school English teacher.

“If you see me in a few years and I’m doing something completely different, don’t be upset: God had a better idea in mind,” she said.

Deken was also thrilled with her achievement and felt that her hard work had paid off.

“It is very exciting to have achieved being salutatorian. It makes me feel as if my hard work was recognized,” said Deken.

Deken also shared that being introverted and deaf in one ear were some of the challenges she faced during high school. However, with hard work and determination, she overcame those challenges. Deken participated in Beta Club and FCA, and also cheered during her freshman year.

One of Deken’s proudest accomplishments was starting a goat farm and delivering her first goat.

“I’m also proud of helping my dad build the barn,” said Deken.

She expressed her gratitude to her parents, Adam and Michelle Deken, and her two younger brothers for their support.

After graduation, Deken said she plans to pursue a business degree at Three Rivers College and open her own business in the future.

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