Poplar Bluff School District teachers, administrators, staff members and others came together recently to honor educators who go above and beyond to make a difference in the lives of their students.
R-I held its annual Teacher of the Year luncheon and honors ceremony Tuesday at the Westwood Event Center.
Poplar Bluff Superintendent Dr. Scott Dill, who opened the ceremony with an invocation, praised the teachers in attendance for their hard work and dedication.
“Even in the best of years, being recognized by your peers in your respective buildings and grade levels in the district is a tremendous honor and one you should be tremendously proud of,” he said.
Mike Owen, Poplar Bluff High School assistant superintendent of personnel, echoed this sentiment, expressing his admiration for the committee that selects the Teacher of the Year.
“I did not know all the time and effort they put into that. They come up after school on their own time. They literally spend hours pouring over all those packets to read the letters of support from kids, co-workers and parents,” he said.
During the ceremony, outstanding teachers were recognized for their contributions to the district.
JoAnne Westbrook, principal of Poplar Bluff Early Childhood Center, presented the Teacher of the Year award for PBECC to Pennie Ethridge, an outstanding educator who has been voted Teacher of the Year three times in three different buildings in the district, according to Westbrook.
Dale Kennedy, who works with students with intensive needs at the Poplar Bluff Middle School, was also recognized for his dedication and commitment to his students.
“That’s what’s special about Mr. Kennedy, he does not let his students realize their potential limitations. He challenges them to achieve beyond their limitations and maintain a growth mindset throughout this process in all parts of their lives. The conversations he has with his students are all based on building relationships, building their self-esteem and helping that executive function,” said Poplar Bluff Middle School Principal Josh Teeter.
The same sentiment was echoed by many building principals, who praised the outstanding teachers in their respective buildings. The Teacher of the Year recipients recognized at the luncheon were: Ethridge, Christy Smith, Kylee Moss, Adriann D’Amico, Carey Wilkerson, Andrea Cline, Kennedy, Amanda Bullington, Tracey Hall, Dee Jones and Candy Taylor.
In his closing remarks, Dill expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the work these educators do every day.
“The job that you guys do seems to get harder and harder every year. You guys just rise to the challenge and excel and I just can’t say enough how much we all appreciate you. It is an honor to be able to recognize you,” he said.
The Teacher of the Year Luncheon and honors ceremony is an annual tribute to those who have been voted to be outstanding educators by students, staff and peers.
The Daily American Republic will feature individual teachers in an occasional series that runs throughout the summer.