The Poplar Bluff High School Drama Club is set to perform “The Green Murders” at the Kay Porter Theater located at 1302 Victory Lane.
The production will begin at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and at 2 p.m. Sunday.
Written by PBHS Language Arts and Drama Instructor Nick McDaniel, the screenplay follows Harold Green, who invites guests to his home for a will-reading after his father’s sudden death. But Harold suspects his father was murdered. When another guest is found dead, Harold’s suspicions are confirmed.
The set, including a portrait for the play, was crafted quickly, but with great attention to detail.
“We got the whole set put together in about a week and a half. My crew members worked extraordinarily hard. My wife spent six hours of her Saturday painting that portrait,” said McDaniel.
Senior Abby Murphy said it was amazing to experience drama club, explaining that is what she intends to do when she goes to college in the fall.
“Getting to experience this for my whole high school career has been amazing and honorable. And getting to do a show done by a director that I admire and I very much take a lot of knowledge from, getting to play one of his characters, has been over-the-moon exciting,” said Murphy.
Murphy plays the role of the Green’s ex-wife, Marsha Underwood.
“She definitely has a little flair and spice that I don’t have in my day-to-day life. I get to wear a bunch of stuff I never would wear ever,” said Murphy. “It’s fun to get to play a character that is nothing like myself. I always find that enjoyable.”
Tenth-grade student Aminah Williams, who plays the role of Parker, said, “We really have a good bond in drama club, and this show especially because the cast is smaller. We have a lot more interaction and it’s just been a lot of fun. A lot of good memories.”
Senior Dawson Vaughan said the performance for him is bittersweet, as it will be the last production he gets to take part in. He and several other cast members are graduating.
“This is my last show for the PBHS drama club. I’ve been in every show since freshman year. So it’s been quite a ride,” said Vaughan.
“I’m not looking forward to the last performance Sunday. I know I’m going to be a train wreck. But this show, it’s been really neat because I’ve never been able to do one that’s been written by someone I know. I’ve been with these guys for pretty much my entire high school career and it just makes the chemistry even better on stage, and makes it show flow 10 times better. And to be honest, it is probably one of the best productions I’ve ever been a part of. It’s so much fun,” said Vaughan.
Senior Colton Harris, who plays the role of Leonard Leonard, shared the same sentiment as many other cast members, saying in this production he specifically loved the cast and the environment.
The PBHS Drama Club said they are excited to showcase their hard work and dedication in their upcoming performances of “The Green Murders.” Tickets to the murder mystery are $5 and can be purchased with cash or check at the box office before the event, cards can not be accepted.
McDaniels asked that it be announced there are some strobe light effects in the presentation for those who may be sensitive.