November 6, 2022

There have been several inquiries about Proposition 1 the City of Dexter has placed on the ballot. City Administrator Trevor Pulley has sought to answer those concerns. “The City of Dexter is asking the voters to allow the Board of Alderman and Mayor to appoint the City Collector instead of being elected,” said Pulley. ...

Dexter Statesman

DEXTER — There have been several inquiries about Proposition 1 the city of Dexter has placed on the ballot. City Administrator Trevor Pulley has sought to answer those concerns.

“The city of Dexter is asking the voters to allow the Board of Alderman and mayor to appoint the city collector instead of being elected,” said Pulley. “The city collector position is more than just collecting city taxes. This position has become more technologically advanced and more complicated over time. The city collector must have advanced computer skills to perform the duties.”

Pulley listed the duties as given to him by retired city collector Crystal Allstun. Those duties include: Collect, separate all taxes for businesses and individuals, implementing of UMS program for utility billing and troubleshooting any problems, in-house IT issues with the water and tax programs, initiating and overseeing warranty meter replacement, assisting the Zoning and Water department, enter manual readings of water meters, resolve KIOSK software issues and hardware issues, written quotes for new meters and service, resolve hardware and software issues with the mobile reader, reconciliation of collector and water deposit checkbooks and bill customers and companies. Pulley said this is not a complete listing of the jobs.

“(The) City Collector must be able to provide excellent customer service while managing the computer programs and hardware with the collection of water bills and city taxes,” Pulley said. “Most cities have switched to appointing the City Collector or having their county collect the taxes for the cities. I want to keep the collection of the taxes and water bills at city hall for better customer service.”

“I want to keep the collection of the taxes and water bills at city hall for better customer service. If a citizen has a problem, they can come or call city hall and the problem will be addressed,” Pulley continued. “As an elected City Collector there is no oversight to that position. That person doesn’t report to anyone and if that person doesn’t choose to perform all the duties for the city there is no oversight by the elected city board or city administrator.”

Pulley said if the elected person chooses to not adhere to the attendance policy, there is no discipline or oversight that can be done. He said the board of aldermen and the mayor can only set the salary. Pulley said for a new person it will take 6 months to one year to learn the job.

“The City Collector is the only position in the city of Dexter that is still elected. All Department heads; Police Department, Fire Department, Street Department, Water Department and Park Department are all appointed by the elected City Council. The City Collector has become a position that needs to be performed by a city employee,” said Pulley. “As city administrator, I am also appointed by the Mayor and the Board of Alderman. I would appreciate your support in the election and vote yes to allow the city of Dexter to appoint the city collector.”
