“I think it teaches me to be a better person in life and it also gives me the opportunity to look at life from a different perspective,” said Darius Sagharichi, Poplar Bluff High School Senior and soon to be Eagle Scout.
Sagharichi took part in a clean-up project clearing out weeds and laying down mulch in the downtown area. He, along with scouts and others from the Poplar Bluff Parks and Recreation Department put in three hours of labor in preparation of the recent Iron Horse Festival which brings a lot of sightseers to the area.
“He is one that is always helping the others in these leadership projects we have,” said Poplar Bluff Parks and Recreation Horticulturist Murray Hammond.
Sagharichi is currently working toward gaining his Eagle Scout title. The title of Eagle Scout is the highest achievement attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. The next project he intends to undertake is a bulletin board for New Covenant Church,“We want to give them something that looks good and that will make the church look good,” he stated.
Sagharichi said he still has to have his approval meeting to receive his Eagle Scout Badge. He intends to attend college in Northwest Missouri after graduation as a predental major.