September 26, 2022

NEW MADRID, Mo. - Like so many other states, Missouri is working to address the shipping disruptions which arose during the pandemic resulting in delays in raw materials and consumer goods coming into the United States. New Madrid County’s growing port site may well be part of the solution...

By Jill Bock/Standard Democrat

NEW MADRID, Mo. - Like so many other states, Missouri is working to address the shipping disruptions which arose during the pandemic resulting in delays in raw materials and consumer goods coming into the United States. New Madrid County’s growing port site may well be part of the solution.

Over the years, the New Madrid County Port Authority Board has steadily worked to improve its current slack water harbor and to serve the agriculture-related businesses surrounding it. Now they are creating a second harbor capable of unloading shipping containers and meeting other needs.

According to Port Executive Director Timmie L. Hunter, already some $8 million is invested into what she calls the north slack water harbor. The money was spent to purchase property, take out trees, install sewer, water and lighting and complete mitigation work.

“I couldn’t even tell you the amount of dirt we have moved but now we have a footprint of the harbor,” said Hunter. “We are moving along a lot faster than we thought we would and a lot of that has to do with being able to tap into state funds and capital improvement funds.”

Plans for the north harbor include the installation of a container crane and a crane capable of moving coiled steel and other commodities.

Also plans call for the addition of a rail spur. Work continues on construction of a a new concrete road atop the levee to provide easy access to Interstate 55.

As work progresses, Hunter said she hopes to soon have a tenant in place. Then the port could build warehousing to the tenant’s specifications.

However, there is still more to do before welcoming a tenant. There is more dirt to move, power lines that need to be raised and more concrete to be poured. All this comes at a steep cost.

The good news for the New Madrid County Port and other ports in Missouri is the 2022 budget signed by Gov. Mike Parsons included $11 million in funding for them.

The New Madrid County Port also was selected to receive $5 million in federal funding through the American Recovery Act. However, this money requires a 50/50 match.

While coming up with $5 million in matching funds could prove to be a barrier, Hunter said they are still working to learn the exact details of the funding.

“They are saying we have until 2024 to sign contracts and we have to have everything done by 2026. If that is right that may be doable for us,” she said.

She describes the funding process as much like a chess game. As you make one move, you need to be looking one, two and even three moves ahead.

“Sometimes that is a little difficult,” she admitted. “But we are always ready for next move, we think it out and we are sitting there ready. So if they call and ask: Can you use this (money)? We say yes we can.”

Hunter explained the state’s ports work together to maximize the use of the funding they are budgeted each year. If one port can’t use the money, another port with a project ready to go might receive it.

Last year, the New Madrid County Port was able to tap into additional funds other ports couldn’t use.

Also Hunter praised State Rep. Don Rone in assisting not only the local port but the ports throughout the state.

“Plus I have a board that is very proactive. They are 100 percent behind growing here, putting in more jobs and putting in more capabilities to be able to move commodities out,” she said. “We want to grow as much as we can when there are funds there.”

She describes the Port Board as very frugal, explaining they continually invest in land, warehousing and infrastructure to ensure the needs of current and possible future tenants can be met.

Hunter is excited about the future. Looking out over the emerging north slack water harbor and the south harbor with its tenants, she said New Madrid County’s port is in a perfect location.

“This is a marine highway,” she said about the Mississippi River as it flowed in front of her. “We are below the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi. We are close to the interstate, between Memphis and St. Louis. We are sitting in a good area here.”

Now in her 23rd year as the executive director of the New Madrid County Port Authority, Hunter said she is still learning and loves what she does.

“You are working to bring in something new,” she said. “I hope we can get to a point where more of the kids will remain in the area because there will be even more higher paying jobs for them here.”
