September 4, 2022

NEW MADRID, Mo. — New Madrid's city administrator has announced his resignation. Richard McGill, who has served as city administrator for the past seven years, announced on social media he is stepping down. McGill did not give a formal date for his departure and indicated he intends to remain with the city through the hiring process and the transition of his successor...

Standard Democrat

NEW MADRID, Mo. — New Madrid's city administrator has announced his resignation.

Richard McGill, who has served as city administrator for the past seven years, announced on social media he is stepping down. McGill did not give a formal date for his departure and indicated he intends to remain with the city through the hiring process and the transition of his successor.

"The City is at such a crucial point in its history that I could never completely walk away," McGill said. "I want to help Mayor Donnie Brown and the City Council ensure that the new city administrator is the perfect fit for this amazing town."

McGill said that following his departure, he would continue to work to help New Madrid grow and bring jobs to the area by working with city leaders.

McGill went on to thank Brown and former Mayor Dickie Bodi, current and former members of the council, his co-workers as well as the citizens of the community.

"I've worked daily with some of the most remarkable people I've ever known. I thank you all for working together with me to always make this town better than it was the day before," he said. "The city is certainly in great hands."
