May 26, 2022

The NAACP Butler County Branch is hosting its first Picnic In the Park from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, May 28, at Bacon Memorial Park. Visitors can expect a free lunch, games, music and door prizes. “We want to meet the community. We want to introduce ourselves, we want people to get to know us,” said interim President Michele Webb...

The NAACP Butler County Branch is hosting its first Picnic In the Park from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, May 28, at Bacon Memorial Park. Visitors can expect a free lunch, games, music and door prizes.

“We want to meet the community. We want to introduce ourselves, we want people to get to know us,” said interim President Michele Webb.

NAACP members will be grilling hamburgers and hot dogs, and families can enjoy games like cornhole. Information about NAACP program topics like finances, health care, mental health and voter registration will be available, and a variety of gift cards will be given away as door prizes.

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The Butler County NAACP’s mission is “collaboration, partnership, equal rights, social justice,” Webb said. The community-wide picnic is a chance to invite everyone together regardless of skin color or political party, and to discover the organization is “here to make things better” for everyone. Picnic In the Park reflects this dedication.

“This is not a picnic for just people of color, it’s for everybody. It’s all inclusive. We want to meet and greet and get to know everybody, and let them know who we are,” she explained.

Bacon Memorial Park is located along West Harper Street in Poplar Bluff.

More information about the Picnic In the Park is available on the NAACP Butler County Branch Facebook page or by emailing

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