May 16, 2022

Missouri State Highway Patrol Trooper Kyle Huggins confirmed the presence of a vehicle in the Black River, slightly west of the Hendrickson Boat Launch, during a morning expedition Monday, May 16. Highway Patrol has found no reason to suspect a connection to any active criminal cases from the information gathered so far...

Missouri State Highway Patrol Trooper Kyle Huggins confirmed the presence of a vehicle in the Black River, slightly west of the Hendrickson Boat Launch, during a morning expedition Monday, May 16.

Highway Patrol has found no reason to suspect a connection to any active criminal cases from the information gathered so far, but the investigation continues.

Fisherman Mark Griffith spotted the automobile on Friday, May 13 with his fishing sonar. He called the find in to the Missouri State Highway Patrol soon after, then returned to help Huggins confirm its location on Monday. According to Huggins, the vehicle appeared to have been carried west from the ramp by eddies in the predominantly east-flowing current, and recent flooding could have carried it as well. Huggins noted its distance from the ramp and depth underwater may require up to 300 feet to reach, which would compicate extraction since most tow trucks only carry lines 100 feet long.

The vehicle appeared to be tipped on its side. Its make and model are uncertain, and Huggins had no guess to how long it had been there, but noted it likely sank recently since Griffith reportedly fishes the area frequently. More details will become available when divers examine and retrieve the vehicle.

“There’s no telling till we can get down and see it,” Huggins explained.

The search used side scan sonar, which is dragged along underwater behind a boat and creates an image of the river, lake or ocean bed around it. Huggins compared the high-resolution image to sticking one’s head off the back of the boat and into the water.

“It really helps improve our rescue time and recovery time,” he said.

A dive team will likely arrive within the next couple of days for retrieval, said Huggins, depending on the weather and teams’ schedules.
