February 4, 2022

What is 4-H? More than many imagine, according to organizers. 4-H is more than a club, they say. 4-H is young people preparing to be the leaders of today and tomorrow. The University of Missouri Extension office in Butler County is hosting a 4-H informational meeting for parents and youth, as well as adults who are interested in joining or being involved in a 4-H club...

What is 4-H? More than many imagine, according to organizers.

4-H is more than a club, they say. 4-H is young people preparing to be the leaders of today and tomorrow.

The University of Missouri Extension office in Butler County is hosting a 4-H informational meeting for parents and youth, as well as adults who are interested in joining or being involved in a 4-H club.

It will be held at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 3, in the First Baptist Church meeting room in Poplar Bluff.

“Are you interested in creating a new 4-H Club in Poplar Bluff or joining one of our current clubs in Butler County,” asks Brad Coleman, area 4-H specialist. “Would you like to learn more about the special interest clubs and projects being offered through the parks department and extension office in Butler County?”

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Throughout Butler County, there are currently more than 50 youth and adult volunteers in 4-H clubs engaged in shooting sports, gardening and other projects.

“We are looking for youth ages 5-18 who are inspired to lead and learn from adult volunteers,” Coleman said. “We hope to offer a wide range of projects and activities based upon the needs of our youth.”

Parents with skills, who would like to volunteer, and are willing to work with youth in the community, are needed.

“Do you want to provide adult mentorship to the youth of our community?” Coleman asked. “Please, get involved and become a 4-H Parent Volunteer. We need parents who can lead project areas.”

Coleman explained 4-H organizers are seeking to add new projects, since “our current club members would love to learn about and be able to work on projects that include robotics, dog obedience, coding, canning, photography and more.”

Coleman emphasized, 4-H introduces youth to projects from culinary to photography, gardening to shooting sports, and robotics to coding. More information is available at the website http://4h.missouri.edu/Coleman’s email address is colemanlb@missouri.edu, the Butler County MU Extension office at 573-686-8064 or email Kim Allison, youth program associate at allisonks@missouri.edu.

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