DONIPHAN — First Baptist Church of Doniphan is beginning the new year by bringing two faith-based opportunities to area children and youth. On March 6, the church will begin hosting meetings of Trail Life USA for boys and the American Heritage Girls.
The church’s senior pastor Monty Flanigan knew of Trail Life and American Heritage Girls and approached the church with the possibility of sponsoring them. The church approved and church member Rick Bass was asked to become the Troop Ministerial Liaison. He prayed about the offer before making his decision.
“God gave me the answer,” said Bass.
He accepted the position.
“Trail Life will help turn boys into godly men and learn some things about nature,” he said.
Trail Life USA was launched in 2014 as a Christ-centered, church-based mentoring program. A national organization with over 850 troops in all 50 states, it places an emphasis on father/son relationship building through a curriculum of outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, fishing and canoing.
It uses a three-tier progression system called the Advancement Trail where boys at ages 5-10 start on the Woodlands Trail, boys age 11-13 become Navigators and boys 14-17 years old become Adventurers.
The program uses a Trail Badge system similar enough to the Boy Scout Merit Badge program that it is possible for existing Boy Scouts to transfer to Trail Life USA.
American Heritage Girls was started by a group of parents in suburban Cincinnati, Ohio, as a program combining faith, citizenship and outdoor activity. They started with fourth and fifth grades girls in 1995. The small group grew into a success that garnered national attention. There are now AHG troops in all 50 states and 15 countries around the world.
AHG kindergarten girls start at Pathfinder and progress through Tenderheart, Explorer and Pioneer, until becoming Patriots at ages 14-18.
Enrollment for Trail Life Troop MO-4110 and American Heritage Girls Troop MO-0234 opens Jan. 16. The yearly enrollment fee is $35 per child participating in either program.
“We can’t wait to get kids registered and get started,” said Bass.
He wants everyone interested to know that children of any age can participate.
Both troops will meet regularly from 6-7:30 p.m. every Sunday at the church on 308 Walnut St.
Anyone interested can contact Bass at 573-576-6031 for Trail Life or Robin King at 573-996-6209 for American Heritage Girls.