Youngsters enjoyed transferring energy from the blender bike into smoothies at the Meet Your Extension event Saturday, Oct. 16.
Activities were designed for area residents to get to know the Butler County Extension Council, staff and the variety of programs offered to the community.
Emily LeMaster is a nutrition program associate with University Extension in Butler, Carter and Ripley counties.
“We had several kids use and thoroughly enjoy the blender bikes,” LeMaster said. “I had several people make the comment they would love to use the blender bikes at every event we hold if possible.”
The event was on the parking lot of Southern Bank, 2991 Oak Grove Road.
“We had a booth with the blender bikes, some aging and mental health simulators, a career personality booth, and nutrition and health about Tai Chi and Stay Strong, Stay Healthy,” said Butler County Extension Human Development Specialist John Fuller. “The Master Gardeners had a table set up with live plants, talking about the different ones and what to look for when getting mums. The 4-H section had a number of different activities going on.”
Extension Council member Jo Ann Brandon said, “everyone had an enjoyable time. It was fun watching the children on the blender bikes, riding the tractor, archery, cow roping and milking. Seeing the little ones and big ones’ faces light up when they scored playing cornhole.”
Brandon believes “the attendees really enjoyed the information” gathered from the question and answer session about the variety of plants displayed.
While several registered for 4-H, Brandon recalled, “active 4-H members brought examples of their past projects. We also received suggestions for future training/classes, we are looking forward to implementing as much as possible, as soon as possible.”
Fuller and Brandon concurred the 100 people attending had an opportunity to learn throughout the event.
“It was a fun day,” Fuller said. “We got to meet new people that had not used extension before or knew what we do. Being our first one, we really felt good with the results. We learned from the event of where we can do things differently. That is what the event was about. The community learned about us, and we learned more about the needs of our residents in Butler County. Our hope is that as we do more of these, people recognize us and consider us when seeking answers. It takes council members, such as Jo Ann, that energize us to keep reaching out to people, meeting them where they are and getting them to come and ask us if we have a class for that.”
The council is planning other events around the county to meet others and share information about extension’s services.
Brandon and Fullers said, they want “to make sure we share all we have to offer. The goal is to customize each event for the area but also ask the question, is there anything else we can do?”
Fisk may be the site for the second event.
“We will meet with their city council to get the ball rolling,” Fuller said.
Brandon stressed, “If you have a talent you would like to share, call us. If you would like to serve on the council, call us. We are looking for community participation. We want to share all of our tools with all that are looking for information.”
Anyone wanting additional information about University Extension and the programs and services it provides may visit the office at 614 Lindsay Suite 3, Poplar Bluff, call 573-686-8064 or email Fuller at