October 22, 2021

By BARBARA ANN HORTON Staff Writer The 63rd Butler County Fair Oct. 24-30 will feature a parade in honor of Missouri’s Bicentennial, Community Worship on The Square, camel rides and, while it’s not new to Poplar Bluff, the BBQ Street Wars is joining the fair lineup for the first time...


Staff Writer

The 63rd Butler County Fair Oct. 24-30 will feature a parade in honor of Missouri’s Bicentennial, Community Worship on The Square, camel rides and, while it’s not new to Poplar Bluff, the BBQ Street Wars is joining the fair lineup for the first time.

“Being Missouri’s Bicentennial, we felt a parade was only fitting,” said Jerrica Fox, fair vice chairperson.

“The theme is patriotic and everyone is welcome to attend. Just like other area parades, the first three places will receive a trophy. A registration form is available on the website that we ask please be filled out, but there is no cost to participate.”

“One thing to note is the starting location,” said Fox, explaining, “due to already overworked officers and city staff, we compromised on a shorter route this year. It will begin at the Poplar Bluff Eagles, but continue along the traditional route from there.”

Community Worship on The Square is new, and Fox said, “the board saw it was an event recently began in the downtown area, and the coordinators agreed to host it the week of the fair. What better event to incorporate.”

This will be the third annual BBQ Street Wars competition. While is was canceled last year, Fox said, “we were happy to bring it back with the fair this year. It is a sanctioned competition with St. Louis BBQ Society. Competitors must be a member of SLBS but that is a nominal fee that can be included with their application. Entry forms and more detailed information can be found on our website. www.bcfair.org.”

If you’ve always wanted to ride a camel, come to the fair, organizers say.

“This year, we partnered with a local petting zoo, Phillips Exotics, out of Piedmont,” Fox said. “We’re excited to have them join the fair.”

There will be no charge to the public to view the petting zoo with carrot and/or feed cups to be made available for public purchase by Phillips Exotics. Pony rides will be available to the public for a per rider fee of $7 to all children 80 pounds and under. Camel rides will be made available to the public for a per rider fee of $7.

Fox explained, “the fair board is a group of volunteers who live and work in Butler County. They are always looking for other individuals or groups to help the efforts of the annual event. I have served on the fair board for about four years, but I’m more involved this year than in the past.”

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“The fair has seen its ups and downs over the years, but it’s because of the small group of volunteers that it even continues,” Fox said. “We have faithful sponsors who also are a huge part of the success, because without funding, we can’t operate. Residents from Butler County and surrounding areas showing support by attending encourages the board to continue its efforts year after year.”

The fair schedule includes:

• Pageants for youngsters ranging in age from birth to 18 will begin at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 24. Black River Coliseum.

• Paws & Pints Blood Drive sponsored by Ozark Federal Credit Union from noon-5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26 Black River Coliseum.

• Gate admission Thursday, Oct. 28, will be $5 at Ray Clinton Park. The carnival will be open from 5-10 p.m. Food trucks and vendors will be serving from 5-9 p.m. while Barrel Racing will begin at 7:30 p.m.

• Gate admission will be $10 Friday, Oct. 29. Carnival and food truck and vendors will be from 5-10 p.m.

The young and young-at-heart may enjoy the petting zoo provided by Phillips Exotic Animals from 5-9 p.m.

Children should come in their costumes and bring empty buckets for the Tract Or Treat with the Pullers at 5:30 p.m. Truck and Tractor Pulls start at 7 p.m. with the rodeo kicking up the event at 7:30 p.m.

The truck and tractor pull will be by Bootheel Pullers. Chalk Bluff Rodeo Company is involved with the rodeo.

• The parade will get festivities moving Saturday, Oct. 30. The parade will begin at 9 a.m. at the Bluff City Eagles 3739, 1400 S. Broadway.

• While gate admission will be $10, from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. admission will be free during the BBQ event.

Petting Zoo will be from 10 a.m.-7 p.m. while the food trucks and vendors will be from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. The carnival will be from 10 a.m.-10 p.m., and armbands available from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The Kids Derby begins at 6 p.m. and the Demolition Derby will begin at 7 p.m.

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