October 7, 2021

From Staff Reports The 100th anniversary of the Wappapello Civic Center building, a community-preserved school, will be commemorated Saturday. Modern Woodmen of America are involved by offering a fundraiser to match the money raised at the center, Judy Wood said. All the money will be donated to the center to help pay for tuck pointing between the bricks on the worst two sides of the building...

From Staff Reports

The 100th anniversary of the Wappapello Civic Center building, a community-preserved school, will be commemorated Saturday.

Modern Woodmen of America are involved by offering a fundraiser to match the money raised at the center, Judy Wood said. All the money will be donated to the center to help pay for tuck pointing between the bricks on the worst two sides of the building.

Activities will include a chili and hot dog meal, gun raffle, silent auction and dance.

Food will be served 5-7:30 p.m. A silent auction will end at 9 p.m. when the drawing for the Springfield Armory .45-caliber 1911-A1 pistol will take place.

“We would greatly appreciate anyone who can bring items for the silent auction and/or desserts for the dinner and cake walks,” Wood said.

Dinner and dance tickets are $15. Carry-out is $8 and children 12 and younger are $5. Tickets will be sold at the dance or may be purchased from any board member.

The smoke-and alcohol-free facility is open for events, dances and may be rented for special occasions.

Regular fees for Saturday events are $7 per person, while children age 12 and under are free.

The center is located on Civic Center Road, just north of the dam. Starting at 6 p.m. before the dance, free dance lessons will be offered with paid admission.

Upcoming events are:

• Oct. 16 Paul Wisdom and Perfect Strangers Band

• Oct. 23 Charlie Barker and Route 66 Band

• Oct. 30 Halloween Dance with Dennis Worley and Red Light Band. There will be a contest for best costume. Bring finger foods for fellowship for all to share.

• Nov. 6 Paul Wisdom & Perfect Strangers Band

Starting Nov. 13, the time will change to 6-9 p.m. with free dance lessons with paid admission starting at 5 p.m. before the dance.

• Nov. 13 Charlie Barker and Route 66 Band

• Nov. 20 Dennis Worley and Red Light Band

• Nov. 27 the center will be closed for the Thanksgiving holidays.
