October 5, 2021

Carrol Jean Sparkman, 75, passed away in August, 2021 at her residence in Greenfield, Iowa. She was the daughter of Edwin and Vera Sparkman of Butler County. As a teenager, Carrol accepted Christ at the Cane Creek Missionary Baptist Church. She attended grade school at Cane Creek, graduated from Poplar Bluff High School and obtained her BSE degree at Cape Girardeau.

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She taught in Butler County and Fox School at Arnold, Missouri. Carrol resided in Alaska many years but came back to reside with her elderly mother in the early 1990s. About 1995 she moved to the rural area of Greenfield, Iowa, and made her home there to the present time.

Surviving siblings are sister Marie (Sparkman) Boxx and brother Robert Sparkman, both of Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Preceding Carrol in death were her parents; brothers John, Kenneth, and Meredith Sparkman; and a sister Norma (Sparkman) Dowd. She is to be buried in Sparkman Cemetery in Butler County, Missouri, where many Sparkmans are buried. Burial services are pending.

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