Kate Kalich Wheeler will be attending College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, in the fall.
Ranked 36th in the U.S. News and World Report of National Liberal Arts Colleges, Holy Cross is known as the nation’s only Jesuit institution exclusively for undergrads. The college cites Dr. Anthony Fauci and former Boston Celtic Bob Cousy as alumni.
At Holy Cross, she plans to study chemistry or economics and engage in research studies.
Wheeler is the daughter of Kevin and Sarah Wheeler of Campbell, and granddaughter of Dick and Pat Kalich of Poplar Bluff.
After graduating eighth grade from St. Teresa Catholic School in Glennonville, Wheeler chose homeschooling for high school.
In addition to her homeschool courses, she enrolled in several classes at Three Rivers College. At the end of her senior year, she received the TRC Student Excellence Awards for both history and mathematics.
Other awards Wheeler earned throughout high school included National Merit Commended Scholar and acceptance into Missouri Scholars Academy.
During her six-year membership of Civil Air Patrol in Malden, an auxiliary to the Air Force, Wheeler achieved the rank of cadet senior master sergeant and earned the Model Rocketry Badge, Ground Team Badge Level Three, and Community Service Ribbon. In the summers, she attended encampments at Fort Leonard Wood where she served as an Advanced Training Flight staff member.