BROSELEY — The Twin Rivers school board on Tuesday discussed the district’s plans for the use of over $3 million, which was awarded to them through federal Elementary Secondary School Emergency Relief funds.
“All of this money will be completely reimbursed,” said Superintendent Ben Johnson.
He explained the process, which includes submitting an application and having it approved, but with some revisions.
“ESSER is good to work with and respond back quickly,” Johnson said.
Some of the things the reimbursed money can be used for are an updated curriculum for English language arts, math, science and seamless K-12 curriculum.
“If we can get a set of really good curriculum, we can get set for a decade,” Johnson said. The school district, Johnson said, was like a triangle, with the students at the single top peak. One side is the community and the remaining side is the staff. He said it was important that all three worked together.
Johnson explained that curriculums need updating. Plans also are in the works to build a performing arts center, which will have enough seats to hold graduation and other ceremonies.
With the funds, Johnson said, Fisk could get rid of a trailer, which has provided extra classroom space.
“The Qulin Middle School has a terrible roof issue and needs replaced,” Johnson added.
Once more, the school will have free masks that are left over from COVID-19 supplies.
The high school, Johnson said, needs a stage again and a new social studies curriculum.
A nature trail, similar to the one at Cape County Park, may also be in the works at the high school.
“The horticulture classes could plant different plants that grow in this area,” Johnson said.
The old central office could become an early childhood center, Johnson said. An after-school program and a Boys and Girls Club are an option as well.
“The response in just Fisk alone was great,” Fisk principal Leann Mann said.
In other business, Roger’s Heating and cooling was awarded a contract to replace air conditioning units in the district.
The air conditioning and heating units which are replaced will all be sold, according to board member Bruce Goodrich.
“Everything that leaves here has a price tag on it,” Goodrich said.