Caregivers First classes will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, July 23, at the Greater Poplar Bluff Area Chamber of Commerce, 1111 W. Pine Blvd.
Registration is free, but must be completed by July 16.
Caregivers First is a training program for caregivers of veterans with physical or cognitive impairments, said Angela Smith, MPA public affairs officer and congressional liaison at the John J. Pershing VA Medical Center.
“These are great classes, especially now they will be in-person,” Smith said. “It helps caregivers to know they are not alone.”
The program is designed to help caregivers learn new skills, practice positive self-care, connect with other caregivers and navigate the VA and other community resources, Smith said.
S.A.V.E. Suicide Prevention training will be offered.
Lunch will be provided and door prizes will be awarded.
For further information or to register, contact Caregiver Support at 573-778-4476.