If growing mushrooms is on your bucket list, consider attending the Woodland Steward: Management and Mushrooms class.
University of Missouri Extension is offering two session Friday, May 21, in the pavilion in Hendrickson Park, 1200 West Davis St. The first one will be from 2-4 p.m. and is open to everyone. The second session, from 4-6 p.m., is designed for 4-H youth.
The fee for the first class is $30 a person, or $50 per couple, and includes one inoculated log per person/couple. Registration is limited to 25 spots and those attending are asked to bring lawn chairs. Masks are required.
The 4-H class has no fee, but the participants must be enrolled in 4-H. Each 4-H member will also receive one inoculated log.
The sessions are designed to help learn about Missouri non-timber forest products. Program participants will learn about the process of mushroom growing using the byproducts. Each participant will have the chance to inoculate a log with shiitake mushroom spawn and take it home with them.
For more information, registration or ADA accommodations, contact Juan Cabrera-Garcia by email at jcabrera-garcia@missouri.edu, or 4-H members may contact Kim Allison by email allisonks@missouri.edu or call both at 573-686-8064.