April 9, 2021

The John J. Pershing VA Medical Center, in accordance with the SAVE LIVES Act, is offering COVID-19 vaccinations to all veterans, their spouses and caregivers. Angela Smith, public affairs officer and congressional liaison, explained this includes all veteran patients as well as all veterans who are not VA patients, their spouses and their caregivers...

The John J. Pershing VA Medical Center, in accordance with the SAVE LIVES Act, is offering COVID-19 vaccinations to all veterans, their spouses and caregivers.

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Angela Smith, public affairs officer and congressional liaison, explained this includes all veteran patients as well as all veterans who are not VA patients, their spouses and their caregivers.

“If people in this category want to sign up for a COVID-19 vaccination, they should visit https://www.va.gov/health-care/covid-19-vaccine/stay-informed/ to enter their information and we will get them scheduled,” Smith said. “They can also still call 573-686-4151 and push “2” but the link is faster and easier.”

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