February 27, 2021

Build up downtown (Comment on “Owner with vision needed”) We need to build downtown up. It’s a shame (that) all those buildings (are) vacant. And we are stead(ily) building new buildings. Downtown is like a ghost town. Vaccination success I want to say a big Thank You to all who worked at the mass COVID vaccination event today (Feb. ...

__Build up downtown__

(Comment on “Owner with vision needed”) We need to build downtown up. It’s a shame (that) all those buildings (are) vacant. And we are stead(ily) building new buildings. Downtown is like a ghost town.

__Vaccination success__

I want to say a big Thank You to all who worked at the mass COVID vaccination event today (Feb. 12). The Missouri National Guard personnel were very kind and helpful. Some helped people navigate the icy parking lot. Others sprinkled salt on sidewalks. One soldier was using a golf cart to transport people from the parking lot to the entrance of the Coliseum and then back to their car. Some pushed wheelchairs. Others were checking paperwork and directing people to vaccination stations. Also, a big shout out to the nurses who actually gave the shots. This event was so well organized and efficient.

__Please don’t__

(Comment on “Area lawmaker files legislation to establish ‘Rush Limbaugh Day’”) Just the thing Missouri needs is to remember a man who spouted hatred, bigotry and division. Please don’t do this.

__No excuse__

I find it interesting that the Trump can do no wrong people are just that, Trump can do no wrong. I will never forget him verbally attacking and abusing that nurse who complained of the shortage of protective gear and he’s standing there saying there’s plenty of it, you’re lying. There’s no excuse for a man in his position to belittle someone who’s trying to save lives. Trump’s never saved a life.
