October 2, 2020

Dear Editor: This letter is intended for those heartless individuals who are dumping animals, primarily dogs, along Highway T. (Recently) on two different days, two puppies were dumped on the highway. The pups were about 12 weeks old and would not have survived on their own...

Dear Editor:

This letter is intended for those heartless individuals who are dumping animals, primarily dogs, along Highway T.

(Recently) on two different days, two puppies were dumped on the highway. The pups were about 12 weeks old and would not have survived on their own.

Only when the whines and crying started did anyone see the pups.

Thankfully, they were rescued before being killed on the highway, or meeting certain death in the woods.

Dumping animals is the most cruel way to relieve the owner of their responsibility. The animal survival rate, especially puppies, is zero.

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Even older animals are killed on the highway, or starve to death.

If owners would come back to where the animal was dropped and see them crying and howling, then perhaps they would refrain from this terrible abuse.

Animal abuse in the state of Missouri is a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of up to $500.

It is hoped that those uncaring and coldhearted individuals who are guilty of this animal abuse will be apprehended and punished.

Ron Hutchason

Poplar Bluff

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