To the Editor
Enough is enough already. Yesterday, Monday, Aug. 10, 2020, the City of Seattle Chief of Police, Carmen Best has decided to resign because the City Council voted 8-1 with one absentee, to defund the Seattle Police Department by 14%.
Then on a brighter note, (sarcasm) in Chicago the Black Lives Matter Chicago group put out a statement regarding the looting and rioting in Chicago on Monday, Aug. 10, 2020. The statement read, “The Mayor (Lightfoot), clearly has not learned anything since May and she would be wise to understand that the people will keep rising up until the (Chicago Police Department) is abolished and our Black communities are fully invested in.”
I have been keeping my mouth shut about all of this BLM rhetoric until now. Listen, I have all of the respect in the world for people no matter the race, creed, religion or gender but these BLM groups are not just black people. These are people of all races and genders, which you know what, is fine with me. But do not go around being a bunch of criminals, hoodlums and arsonists.
I also read where people are commenting about the destruction and stealing from businesses saying, “These businesses are not hurting because they have insurance and that is what it is for.” What? This goes to show you the mentality of some of these BLM people. If people want to have a peaceful march or rally then great, this is their right to do so and I do not have any problems with this.
People are upset because President Trump has sent in the troops in to some of these cities to assist in all of this civil unrest. I think this is great. Someone has to do it. The mayors of certain cities do not have the, well you know, let’s just say guts, to stand up to groups like BLM or ANTIFA.
People who support these groups are wanting this civil unrest, heck I even think they want to start some type of war on our own American soil. Not long ago there was the incident in Eminence, Missouri, where the BLM was going to come into town and, in their words, march through town, when in reality they were there to try and stir the pot. Why else would a BLM group go to Eminence, Missouri? A group who has probably never even heard of Eminence, Missouri, wants to come in and march. For what?
As I said and have said in the past, I have many friends of different nationalities, cultures, races and religions and I do not in any way consider myself a racist or a bigot but I will be ... if I will sit by and allow people to ruin a beautiful community like ours here in Poplar Bluff.
Look at the national television ratings for sporting events today. The ratings are down as much as 50% in most markets because all of this. Having BLACK LIVES MATTER across a basketball court. Having writings on the back of jerseys. Having BLACK LIVES MATTER even painted down a street in Washington DC. What about homeless people, abused children, abused women, do these lives not matter? Apparently it is all about BLACK LIVES MATTER and nobody else. I loved what Jimmy Butler of the Miami Heat said, “I have worked my tail off to get where I can have my name on the back of my jersey and I have earned it, this is why I do not agree with what the NBA is doing.”
People, you better open your eyes once and for all and see where life as we know it is heading. I am sick and tired of all of the ... being scattered around everywhere. Now this letter may tick some people off and even offend some of my family members who I love dearly and always will but again ... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
Roger Burton
Poplar Bluff, Missouri