July 29, 2020

The realities of a COVID-adjusted world have led the John J. Pershing VA Medical Center in Poplar Bluff to change its Veterans’ Healthy Food distribution program. “Given the current pandemic, we had to be flexible and adjust our monthly food pantry distribution process from on-campus to home deliveries,” said VA nurse and Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Manager Ashley Aubuchon. “This practice started in March and will continue until further notice...

Ashley Aubuchon, a nurse and the health promotion/disease prevention manager at the John J. Pershing VA Medical Center, double-checks the contents of food boxes for distribution to veterans.
Ashley Aubuchon, a nurse and the health promotion/disease prevention manager at the John J. Pershing VA Medical Center, double-checks the contents of food boxes for distribution to veterans.Photo provided

The realities of a COVID-adjusted world have led the John J. Pershing VA Medical Center in Poplar Bluff to change its Veterans’ Healthy Food distribution program.

“Given the current pandemic, we had to be flexible and adjust our monthly food pantry distribution process from on-campus to home deliveries,” said VA nurse and Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Manager Ashley Aubuchon. “This practice started in March and will continue until further notice.

“We have been delivering to the veterans with the most significant needs.”

Aubuchon said the VA would never have been able to “make it happen if it weren’t for the staff in the Mental Health Department, who graciously stepped up and volunteered to make the deliveries of food each month.

“Rain or shine, they’ve been out there helping those who’ve served.”

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Aubuchon explained veterans who would like to receive a box of food may contact VA social workers, Charissa Young at 573-778-4564 or Wesley Gautreaux at 573-778-4137.

“We are still operating on a first-come, first-served basis,” Aubuchon said. “Veterans can call Charissa or Wesley and ask to receive a box.

“A new list is created each month, so they will need to call each month they want to receive a box of food.”

Veterans who call and are told the VA already has met the maximum amount of food for distribution can be added to the list for the next month, Aubuchon explained.

“As usual, the food pantry still occurs on the fourth Wednesday of the month, and if you are on the list, we will call you ahead of time to make sure you will be home when we deliver the food,” she said.

The program is funded through donations and serves approximately 50 veterans each month.

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