July 18, 2020

City council The Poplar Bluff City Council will meet at 7 p.m. Monday in the city council chambers, 301 S. Fifth St. Items on the workshop agenda include: • A presentation on the 2019 audit by Kraft, Miles & Tatum. • Conflict of interest policy • Gas line easement for Spire Gas across flood buyout properties...

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__City council__

The Poplar Bluff City Council will meet at 7 p.m. Monday in the city council chambers, 301 S. Fifth St.

Items on the workshop agenda include:

• A presentation on the 2019 audit by Kraft, Miles & Tatum.

• Conflict of interest policy

• Gas line easement for Spire Gas across flood buyout properties

• Cell tower request for 1017 Ridge Ave., 125-foot height

• Budget issue options presented by city manager

Action required items include:

• Loan agreement with the Missouri Transportation Finance Corporation related to Highway 67/I-57 project

• Gas line easement

• Selection of engineering firm for street paving grant application

• Amendment to ordinance regarding procedures at meetings

A closed session also is planned.

__Parks board__

The Poplar Bluff Parks and Recreation Board will meet at 5 p.m. Monday in the front lobby of the Black River Coliseum.

Items on the agenda include program reports and a closed session.

__Tree board__

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The Poplar Bluff Tree Advisory Board will meet at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the city council chambers.

Items on the agenda include an election for officers and sending letters to property owners related to dead or dangerous trees.

__Twin Rivers R-X__

The Twin Rivers R-X school board will meet 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 21, in the high school cafeteria in Broseley with limited seating and social distancing.

Old business:

• Salaries/stipends

• High School summer school

New business

• Reopening school plan

• Accept bids for: septic, propane, pest control and federal programs

The superintendent will present his report.

__Poplar Bluff R-I__

The Poplar Bluff R-I school board will meet 6 p.m. Thursday, July 23 in the board room at 1110 North Westwood Blvd. Below is a tentative agenda for the meeting. It is subject to change.

New business/Discussion

Bids for paper, buses, and banking services

Re-entry plan

The superintendent will present his report.


Meetings for the following boards have been cancelled for next week: Municipal Utilities; Animal Control; and HVACR.

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