July 17, 2020

In Genesis 28, you can read about Jacob’s adventures while traveling to his uncle’s place. Jacob had really upset his big brother and needed to get out of the country for a while. The story actually starts in Chapter 27, so you might want to read up on it yourself...

Kent Wilfong Doniphan United Methodist Church

In Genesis 28, you can read about Jacob’s adventures while traveling to his uncle’s place.

Jacob had really upset his big brother and needed to get out of the country for a while. The story actually starts in Chapter 27, so you might want to read up on it yourself.

In Chapter 28, Jacob has a dream, and in that dream, he sees a ladder going up to heaven. Angels were using it to go up and down between heaven and Earth.

In the 15th verse, God says to Jacob, “Know that I am with you and will keep you wherever you go…”

That was some great news for Jacob.

You see, for most of the world, gods were local. They stayed in one location and didn’t travel well. A god could have power where you live, but if you went somewhere else, well, you were on your own.

That’s what was so great about this dream. Jacob was traveling to escape the wrath of his brother. He had to be feeling alone and maybe even frightened.

But, in this vision, God assures him that Jacob was not alone. In fact, God was going to be with Jacob and even bring him to his home.

This promise is still with us today. God has promised to be with us no matter where we go.

In Matthew 28, Christ tells us to go into all the world, and that he would be with us unto the end of the age.

We have a God that is mobile, and no place on Earth is too far away from this loving and caring God.

There are so many times where we feel alone and afraid. There are times the world shouts so loudly that we can’t hear the voice of God.

I know the feeling and let me tell you it isn’t fun.

But, in the Bible, beginning in Genesis and all through the Old and New Testaments, we are shown a God who does not abandon. We are shown a God that is always with us and within prayer shot. Even when we feel alone; God is still there.

These times of COVID and unrest have really made many of us feel alone.

The limited numbers in our worship leave many at home alone. I do know that many are asking, “Where is God?”

Well, God is with us. He has never left us, and he will always be with us. You can’t get away from his love.

So, here is what you do. Crack open that Bible and start reading it. Genesis is a good place to start. Then, start getting in contact with people from your church.

If you haven’t been to church in a while, then call those you miss. Give your pastor a call because he/she sure misses you.

And pray. Pray for an end to this time apart. Pray that those who are alone will be comforted.

Pray that we will all be stronger Christians because of this challenge.

And at the first opportunity, get to church.

See you in church.

Rev. Kent Wilfong is the pastor at the United Methodist Church, Doniphan/Neelyville.
