July 15, 2020

The Ozark Foothills Regional Planning Commission is administering the CARES Act funds received by Ripley County and is now accepting applications for CARES Act fund reimbursement requests. Ripley County will now accept applications for reimbursements of eligible expenses or costs already incurred during the period March 1 through July 31 and for eligible expenses for future COVID-19-related response needs, according to a press release from OFRPC...

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The Ozark Foothills Regional Planning Commission is administering the CARES Act funds received by Ripley County and is now accepting applications for CARES Act fund reimbursement requests.

Ripley County will now accept applications for reimbursements of eligible expenses or costs already incurred during the period March 1 through July 31 and for eligible expenses for future COVID-19-related response needs, according to a press release from OFRPC.

Local governments, political subdivisions, and non-profits located within Ripley County are eligible to apply for both reimbursement requests and future COVID-19 response needs.

Application requests for reimbursements must be based on eligible expenses or costs already incurred during the period March 1 through July 31. Applications for future COVID-19 response needs can be based on expenses or costs not yet incurred but needed to respond to the pandemic. Both application requests must satisfy the requirements of the CARES Act and Treasury guidance. Applicants will be required to submit sufficient supporting documentation such as invoices, receipts, and proof of payment.

Applications for this round of funding are due on Aug. 31. The OFRPC will review the applications for completeness (including supporting documentation), compliance with the CARES Act requirements and Treasury guidance, with final award decisions made by Ripley County by the end of September.

Award recipients will be required to enter into a written agreement with the county and submit documentation of expenses prior to disbursement of awarded funds.

The application is available from the Ozark Foothills Regional Planning Commission and can be downloaded from their website, www.ofrpc.org.

Questions regarding the application process may be directed to Alan Lutes, Ozark Foothills Regional Planning Commission, 573-785-6402 or alan@ofrpc.org.

Depending upon the number of applications received and amount of funds awarded in this round of funding, Ripley County anticipates potential additional rounds of funding for small businesses to commence on Sept. 1.
