June 9, 2020

Residents can receive a free COVID-19 test through the Butler County Health Department without needing to meet symptom criteria.

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Residents can receive a free COVID-19 test through the Butler County Health Department without needing to meet symptom criteria.

BCHD Administrator Emily Goodin said they are conducting free testing at the health department by appointment Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. These are laboratory tests, not the rapid response tests.

“There is no criteria, we’re just opening it up to Missouri residents,” Goodin said. “It will be the nasal swabs.”

The rapid response machine, which Butler County and Dunklin County Health Departments share, will be in the county next week. Goodin said they’re hoping to have cartridges to run tests using that machine and then return to the nasal swab test.

“We’re going to test as many people as we’d like,” she said. “We hope to do a large sampling. We’re working with (Emergency Management Services) and they’re giving us the test so we can provide it to the community … Our hope is to continuously provide the COVID-19 testing.”

Residents can make an appointment for the test by calling the Health Department at 573-785-8478 during business hours.
