It might be the first time this has happened.
We’re holding our school and municipal elections in June.
Voters need to go to their polling places Tuesday.
Yes, we said need.
We all need to get out and help decide our own futures.
It’s one of those moments that really is in our hands. With the stroke of a pen, you can help decide who will run your city, or your school district.
We all have lots of thoughts on how these entities should be run. We share them every day with our friends, neighbors and coworkers.
Tuesday, we’re asking that you share them with the officials who can make a difference.
The Daily American Republic has run several articles in recent weeks hoping to help introduce you to these individuals, and their thoughts on office.
In today’s edition, we also talked to Poplar Bluff City Council candidates about a very important topic — a citywide use tax related to online purchases.
The use tax is a very important opportunity to voice your opinion on what funding is needed by the city.
We hope that you’ll look closely at the information shared in today’s edition, and the opinions that have been shared on this topic.
We hope that this will make you better prepared to form your own decision, and that you will use your voice Tuesday to tell leadership what you think.
— Daily American Republic