April 28, 2020

The Poplar Bluff R-I School district received two out of four Missouri recognitions for the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools award for the 2019-2020 school year.

Students in Mrs. Roark's first grade class at Lake Road Elementary School plany a game during their Christmas party.
Students in Mrs. Roark's first grade class at Lake Road Elementary School plany a game during their Christmas party.DAR/File Photos

The Poplar Bluff R-I School district received two out of four Missouri recognitions for the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools award for the 2019-2020 school year.

O’Neal and Lake Road Elementary schools received the recognition. Both have received it previously.

Capturing Kids’ Hearts is a program through Flippen Group, which focuses on building positive relationships between students and teachers, as well as among students.

O'Neal Elementary School librarian Ashley Robertson presents the grand prize to second grade student Elena Butler of Kristen Brooks' class.
O'Neal Elementary School librarian Ashley Robertson presents the grand prize to second grade student Elena Butler of Kristen Brooks' class.Photo provided prior to school break

The Flippen Group measures the results of this program, such as decreased discipline referrals, increased student achievement and attendance and increased teacher satisfaction, in order to give out these recognitions.

Lake Road Elementary was among four schools in Missouri to receive the recognition for the 2017-18 school year, after starting the program in 2016-17.

As part of the program, the students in each class write a social contract for behavior in the classroom, how they treat each other and the teacher, as well as how they want to be treated, Principal Erica Weadon said.

Michael Harris plays football with his friends during a January recess at Lake Road Elementary School.
Michael Harris plays football with his friends during a January recess at Lake Road Elementary School.DAR/File Photo

They’re also greeted and sent off from school with handshakes every day from the adults and fellow students. Everyone is encouraged to share good things, Weadon said.

“Kids affirm one another,” she said. “They write little notes to each other or they look face to face, eye to eye and just tell each other how they appreciate one another like ‘thank you for yesterday, whenever you helped me with this.’

“They just give just really down-to-earth affirmations. Just teaching kids kindness and to be thankful and appreciate one another.”

First grader Cannon Lamb fills his glass of chocolate milk during Go Light milk day at Lake Road Elementary School in Febraury. As part of a national program, the school is collecting data about student milk drinking habits using a new dispenser rather than milk cartons.
First grader Cannon Lamb fills his glass of chocolate milk during Go Light milk day at Lake Road Elementary School in Febraury. As part of a national program, the school is collecting data about student milk drinking habits using a new dispenser rather than milk cartons.DAR/File Photo

O’Neal Elementary started the program in the 2014-15 school year. Poplar Bluff Junior High started the year earlier as a pilot version of the program and has been a Showcase school several times. It now is implemented at all district schools.

This is the second time O’Neal has been named as a Showcase School, the first coming for the 2016-17 school year.

Principal Amy Dill said the school ramped up the program this year by implementing programs such as Amazing Kids, Amazing Staff, where every day three students and one staff member are recognized for something positive they did that week.

She said the Capturing Kids’ Hearts program has meant fewer discipline referrals and put an emphasis on positive behavior.

“I think it helps us to get to know our kids better,” Dill said. “Every day, we all do good things. The teachers do it in their classrooms; the counselor and I do it in the hallways with kids while we’re at duty or whatever.

“It just helps us know our students a little better. It just keeps a focus on the positive, which is what we want.”

Both principals agreed that while the recognition is appreciated, these are things they would do with the students regardless.

“I mean, I don’t want to downplay it at all because being recognized, I mean, that’s huge,” Weadon said. “But at Lake Road, we always know that there’s more work to be done and just because you receive an award or recognition doesn’t mean we’re finished.

“We’re always looking for ways to be the best that we can be.”

“These are things we do, whether we’re going to be recognized or not, we love kids here,” Dill said. “It’s such an honor to be recognized for it.

“It was just very exciting, particularly in light of right now being away from our kids, being away from each other. It’s been really hard. It was one of those good things that you get while we’re off of school right now. The teachers were really excited and thrilled with it.”

This year, 285 campuses received the National Showcase Schools award around the country with four from Missouri.

Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School awardees are evaluated and selected based on survey and performance data from administrators, teachers, staff and students.

Decreases in discipline referrals, as well as positive campus culture and climate, are common themes among the data from awarded campuses.
