Can you believe there are people who still do not believe Christ rose from the dead?
Yeah, I can’t believe it either, (as I stick my tongue in my cheek). Yes, there are many who doubt the truth of the resurrection and even the existence of God.
Now, for those of us who believe, don’t be too hard on those who do not.
Even the apostles had a hard time believing Christ had risen.
If you went to Sunday School, you would have heard of a guy named Thomas (look in John 20:19-31). He was one of the original 12. He saw Christ calm a storm and raise Lazarus from the dead. He heard all of his sermons and would have followed Christ anywhere. The reversal of fortunes really unsettled him. He fully believed Christ was the son of God and yet the arrest, crucifixion and death of Christ blind-sided him.
So, here we have Thomas in the room after the other disciples had seen Jesus and were trying to convince him of Christ being alive.
The doors were shut; the room was secure, and Christ pops up. I’d like to think that while Thomas was facing the others, telling them he would only believe if he could touch the wounds, Christ came in behind him. I could hear Thomas say, “He’s behind me, isn’t he?”
So no, we shouldn’t be too hard on those who find it difficult to believe in a resurrected Savior.
In fact, Paul writes to the Colossians in chapter 4 verse 5 and 6, “Act wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt so you may know how you should answer each person.” (CSB)
The point is, when talking to someone outside the group, be gracious.
Don’t ever look down on someone who has never heard the Gospel. Be gracious, knowing and loving when sharing the good news of Christ.
I know we have a few more weeks of being inside. I know that meeting people is going to be hard during this time.
I also know that there are many who are without hope in the future. The fear is getting larger.
We don’t know when this social distancing (quarantine) is going to end. We don’t know how long we will need to keep it up.
What we do know, and need to share, is that God is in charge.
Christ, who conquered sin and death, has already conquered this virus. It is only a matter of time until we will be back in church worshiping the risen savior.
Which means, you need to start inviting people to church.
Yes, invite them to watch the service online. Invite them to pray with you for the safety of all those afflicted and involved. Invite them to share in a Bible study on whatever social media service you use.
Connect with the unconnected in any way you can. Let people know that Christ is alive in YOU.
Pray for the doubters; pray for your preachers and church leaders.
Pray for our health care workers, our city, county, state, national leaders.
Pray for the first responders and any others in harms way.
Pray for those who suffer from the storms of life, and those in economic turmoil.
Pray for those who publish this paper and keep you informed.
Keep praying and offering Christ, and I look forward to …
Seeing you in church.
Rev. Kent Wilfong is the pastor at the United Methodist Church, Doniphan/Neelyville.