March 24, 2020

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway has released her office’s compilation of 2019 federal forfeiture reports. Law enforcement agencies that participate in a federal asset forfeiture program must file information regarding federal seizures and proceeds with the State Auditor’s Office...

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway has released her office’s compilation of 2019 federal forfeiture reports.

Law enforcement agencies that participate in a federal asset forfeiture program must file information regarding federal seizures and proceeds with the State Auditor’s Office.

Law enforcement agencies can seize money and property from individuals and organizations involved in illegal activities. State and local law enforcement agencies that participate in federal investigations resulting in forfeitures may request a portion of the funds recovered through the program.

A law that went into effect of Aug. 28, 2018, changed the reporting requirements for local law enforcement agencies using the federal forfeiture system. The information included in the compilation report is gathered from the federal “ACA Form - Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification,” which is submitted to the State Auditor’s Office.

In 2019, 678 Missouri law enforcement agencies were identified as being potential participants in the federal program. Of these agencies, 154 filed reports.

During their fiscal year, they reported receiving $7.7 million and spending $8.6 million.

Among those filing reports were the Butler County Sheriff’s Department, Dexter Police Department, Dunklin County Sheriff’s Department, Poplar Bluff Police Department, Ripley County Sheriff’s Department and the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department.

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Butler County’s beginning equitable sharing fund balance was $2,357, with $1,527.15 spent and a remaining balance of $829.85.

Poplar Bluff’s beginning equitable sharing fund balance was $32,331.11, with $7,433.24 received, $11,060.34 spent and a remaining balance of $28,704.01.

Ripley County’s beginning equitable sharing fund balance was $7,824.83, with interest income of $344.57 for a total of $8,169.40. Equitable sharing funds spent were $4.699, with a remaining balance of $3,470.40.

Wayne County’s beginning equitable sharing fund balance was $1,744.28. No equitable sharing funds were spent.

Dexter and Dunklin County both reported no equitable sharing funds were received.

The remaining 524 agencies did not file a report, although they were not required to file if they did not participate in the program.

Not filing reports were the police departments in Advance, Bell City, Bernie, Bloomfield, Campbell, Doniphan, Ellsinore, Grandin, Greenville, Malden, Naylor, Piedmont, Puxico, Qulin, Van Buren and Williamsville and the sheriff’s departments in Carter, Reynolds and Stoddard counties.

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